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3 truths to dare to take the first step

Towards reconciliation: when to take the first step is difficult

You have surely happened to experience a relational break, a friendly disappointment or a deep injury, sometimes caused by you, sometimes suffered. The more precious a relationship, the more painful his breakup and the reconciliation difficult. The worst part is that these wounds even arise in church, where love should reign.

You may feel the need for reconciliation, but the idea of ​​making the first step seems insurmountable. However, know that, it does not matter who is in wrong, reconciliation is possible.
If you hesitate to take the first step, keep in mind these three essential truths.

1. God himself took the first step towards you

Have you ever thought about the nature of God's love? He is not content to love in words, he acts. From the outset, he created man for an intimate relationship with him. But very early on, the man disobeyed, breaking this perfect link (Genesis 3.8-11; Romans 5.10). It was the greatest separation that the world has known, and we inherited it (Romans 5.12-14).
However, despite our guilt, God took the initiative of reconciliation. He could have let us undergo the consequences of our sin, but he chose love.

“But God proves his love towards us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ died for us. »* (Romans 5.8)

This is the central message of John 3.16: God sent his Son so that we are reconciled with him by faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 5.10-11). And since he calls us to be his imitators (Ephesians 5.1), should we not, too, take the first step towards reconciliation?

2. Reconciliation is what God wants above all

When a conflict breaks out, there are only two outcomes:
1. The resentment and prolonged separation.
2. Reconciliation, which begins with a first step.
Which of these ways reflects the heart of God? Without hesitation, the second.

Jesus commanded us to love each other (John 13.34-35). This love should help us avoid conflicts, but when they arise, God urges us to seek peace:
“Look for peace with everyone, and sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12.14)
The purpose of God is clear: he wants to see his children walk in unity. No matter the scale of the injury, reconciliation is its deep desire.

“If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. »(Romans 12.18)

This passage recognizes that peace is not always guaranteed, but it emphasizes our responsibility: to do everything in our power to restore broken relationships.
So, do you want to accomplish the will of God? Take the road to reconciliation.

3. Culpable or not, God asks you to take the first step

“It was not I who caused the problem, so it's not for me to take the first step. »»
Does this thought seem legitimate to you? However, it is one of the greatest obstacles to reconciliation.
The Bible teaches us a radically different approach: whether you are faulty or not, it is also your responsibility to act.

“If therefore you present your offering at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there in front of the altar, and will first reconcile with your brother; Then come and present your offering. »(Matthew 5.24)

In this passage, Jesus underlines that it is up to the accused of taking the initiative of reconciliation. Amazing, isn't it?

On the other hand, he also teaches that the one who has been offended must act:
“If your brother has sinned against you, go and resume it alone. If he listens to you, you won your brother. (Matthew 18.15)

God does not care who is wrong or right. What matters to him is reconciliation. He is waiting for a step on each side, because his desire is that broken relationships are restored.

And you, what will you do?

If you face a broken relationship, remember these three truths:
-God himself took the first step towards you.
– Reconciliation is what God wants above all.

Guilty or not, God asks you to take the first step.

So, with the help of the Holy Spirit, asks God the strength to take this first step. Maybe reconciliation will be immediate, maybe it will take time, or maybe the other person will refuse. No matter the outcome, be certain of one thing: by choosing reconciliation, you walk in the will of God.

Do not leave pride or fear preventing you from acting. Take this first step. Let God write a new page in your story.

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