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Your real identity, Creflo Dollar

A born again believer should be like God. So you should think, speak and act like Him. In fact, you should reflect Him so much that people looking at you would not be able to dissociate you from God.

It is fascinating to observe the development of a child/parent relationship. At a certain age, the child imitates every gesture of his parents, he speaks and acts like them. In other words, they become a mini version of themselves. As you grow up, things can start to change and cause conflict. External influences, such as television, music or friends, can distance a child from the values ​​of their home and their parents’ way of thinking. It sometimes happens that the former grandchild becomes so distant from them that it even becomes difficult to believe that they are from the same family.

The same thing happens with many Christians. They proudly call themselves Christians, but their thoughts are totally removed from the Scriptures. Nothing they say or do reflects their Heavenly Father. A born again believer should be like God. So you should think, speak and act like Him. In fact, you should reflect Him so much that people looking at you would not be able to dissociate you from God.

When you walk in the Spirit, you act and speak like God. Walking in the Spirit is more than mechanical behavior without sincerity. Walking in the Spirit is an act of faith that begins in the Word. To walk in the Spirit is to walk in His holiness and righteousness, it is also to align your thoughts with the thoughts of God.

To be in agreement with the Word, one must still know the Word. Contrary to what you may have heard, the Bible is anything but a book of restrictions intended to block you in your pursuit of happiness. The Bible is a manual for transformation. You don’t need Scripture just to tell you what to do and what not to do, but you need it to transform and align your mindsets with God.

To determine whether or not you are walking in the Spirit, you only need to examine your thoughts. Your thoughts are the basis of what you think you know. The question is, what do you really know? Do you know what the world says or what the Word says? Take the example of finance. Do you know what the world says about how to make money, or do you know what tools God gives us to prosper? (Deuteronomy 8:18). What about your health? Are you convinced by the doctor’s diagnosis or by the stripes of Jesus by which you have already been healed? (Isaiah 53:5). So, what do you know?

Galatians 5:16
16 I say therefore, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the desires of the flesh.

When you walk in the Spirit, you can overcome any carnal thought that tries to assail you. The more you read the Word, the more you will expose yourself to it, and the more your thoughts will change and the more you will resemble your Heavenly Father. You will be a mini version of Him!


source: teachme

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