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What is true spirituality? , Crossing devotion

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What is TRUE ?

by Alex Crain

“When the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes and that it was desirable to make it wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave her husband her and he ate. » – Genesis 3:6 NASB

It seems obvious to me that unbelief is the root of all human sin. Doubt. I’ve heard people say that the most basic sin is pride and, well, I guess that’s somewhere lurking on the other side of the coin. But if we start at the beginning of the BibleTHE Genesis 3 The account shows that Eve doubted God for the first time. It was his sin. After his unbelief, the outward act of disobedience happened.

Francis Schaeffer, commenting on this, said: “She fears that she called God a liar. Eve doubted…Humanity in revolt doubts God” (chapter seven, True ).

On the contrary, the person who is at peace with God does not doubt him. Rather, he/she trusts God. Schaeffer says that’s the simplest way to describe the real : It is to believe in God.

But it is more than just believing in God at a single moment in life. It’s believing in God and having continued belief in him. There must be personal communion with him at every moment.

God created us to be relational, not mechanical. Healthy relationships depend on good communication. But communication is an ever-changing thing, moment by moment. This is why all our mechanical efforts at the Christian life fail. It is not a question of reading a specific number of chapters of the Bible each day. It’s not about praying for that long.

No. What is necessary in the first place, and what inspires confidence, is throughout the day to see before us the most basic teachings of the Bible:

God exists and he is personal.

God is holy and fishing will be judged, but the atonement of Christ removes the guilt of sinners.

We are saved from condemnation by the finished work of Christ and brought into a proper relationship with God in a personal way.

We are united with Christ spiritually.

We can enjoy communication with the Creator based on what Christ has done. (1 John 1:5)

These truths do not change no matter how I feel at any given moment.

The rediscovery of believing in God and these truths in every moment is what allowed Francis Schaeffer to emerge from a long, dark season and reinvigorate his life.

In our lives, what usually causes us to distrust Christ and run elsewhere is that we often think we have a better way. We think that somehow God doesn’t really have our best interests at heart. Like Eve, we think that God is withholding something good from us.

Intersection of faith and life: The rediscovery of believing in God and these truths in every moment is what allowed Francis Schaeffer to emerge from a long, dark season and reinvigorate his life. If you have realized that God does not deserve our suspicions, ask Him for help in maintaining this minute-by-minute walk of faith with Him.

For further study: Isaiah 30:15 “So the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved. In your calm and confidence your strength will be assured.’ »

For more, read Romans 6:1 And 1 John 1:5

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