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What is exhortation in the Bible?

Definition of exhortation

In modern usage, exhort can mean “To incite by discussion or advice: to exhort firmly.” We could use exhort interchangeably with invoke, implore, implore or encourage. Words like these are used frequently in Scripture, but the Greek takes us deeper into the heart of the .

Exhortation Meaning in the Bible

Paul, John, and other writers of Scripture interpreted this word as an intimate call to other believers, even when that call was not face to face, but imprisoned. His use of exhort in this context seems to combine two meanings – to admonish and to encourage – because of the urgency and heart of fellowship behind what Paul is writing.

In the words of Douglas A. Campbell “The church at Corinth was a disaster.” Campbell explained that their questions and concerns about the rules of marriage and divorce, women in the church and money echoed questions facing many believers and those of any generation to come. They faced doubts about whether Christ was truly resurrected.

“The word had arrived (…) Paul that the Christian woman from Corinth had fallen into various serious moral errors,” according to Andy Rau. First Corinthians, written to a “spiritually challenged Corinthian church, was not intended solely to harangue them for their failings. Paul challenged his Corinthian brothers and sisters to imitate Jesus Christ. »

Paul had developed a relationship with these people, living among them and teaching them for some time, according to this Blue Letter, a biblical resource. One can imagine his tender feelings for the men and women he knew best. A modern reader might easily forget the emotion behind the exhorted and synonymous words, but the Greekparakaleó implies a closeness of feeling that the English word lacks.

Synonym of exhortation

Paul’s letters reflect a deep feeling for a group of society who have heard of the resurrected Christ, while John the Baptist conveys the weight of a message that opens the way to the teaching of Christ.

An ESV translation states that John the Baptist “exhorted the people” to “collect no more than you are authorized to do” and “not to extort money” (Luke 3:13-14,18). The NLT refers to “warnings” (Luke 3:18), but “exhortations” seem to have been favored in most versions and convey an urgency at the heart of John’s teaching.

Exhortation as a spiritual gift

Romans 12:8 describes spiritual gifts, one of which is exhortation. Basic English Bible calls this gift “the power to comfort,” but according to the New International Version, “Encouragement” gets the idea across better.

The first ones needed teaching and encouragement simultaneously because “the nascent congregations (faced) enormous difficulties in social adaptation” plus “differences in behavior and ethical models” caused division, according to Michael White. “Some (first ) take the message differently and it is these differences of opinion that cause controversy,” he said.

When Paul wrote to of Philippi, he feared that they would “remain faithful to their faith and imitate the humility of Christ”, according to this Britannica article.

“I exhort Eudia and Syntyche to live in harmony with the Lord” (Philippians 4:2). The ESV uses “beseech” while “beseech” corresponds to the English style of King James’ version.

Exhorting Modern Disciples

The readers of the 21st century must also be exhorted, for they face the same problems as the early Christians of Corinth, Philippi and elsewhere. Our hearts are as easily distracted from biblical truth as those of Paul’s and Peter’s audiences in the which instructs believers to imitate Christ and love one another (Ephesians 5:1-2), put others first (Philippians 2:1-30), and remain unified (1Corinthians 1 :10).

Discipleship is a relationship between Christians that facilitates exhortation. Christians exhort, admonish, encourage, “draw near” to one another. This is a responsibility that the apostles took seriously and wrote about often.

When interviewing a candidate for membership in Cheverly Baptist Church, Johnathan Leeman expects all members to give more than “75 minutes on Sunday.” States “My friend, by becoming a member of this church, you will become jointly responsible for whether or not this congregation continues to faithfully proclaim the Gospel. This means that you will become jointly responsible for both what this church teaches and whether the lives of its members remain faithful or not. “

There is nothing passive about discipleship. Christians, including pastors and other leaders, need prompting and encouragement.

Today the exhortation resonates with the discordant ringing of a rusty and hesitant bell; readers are not used to accepting loving criticism and even “our Christian friends don’t want to be corrected,” as Aaron Menikoff said.

The apostles, however, contrast heavenly rewards with the fear of causing discomfort or being hated for frank communication. We must, however, remember the tenderness enveloped in the exhortation; love deep in its roots. Paul wrote “for God is my witness, how long I am after you all in the tender mercy of Christ Jesus. » (Philippians 1:8, ASV) These are tender words indeed.

Candice Lucey lives with her husband and daughters in mostly quiet Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada. Here, she enjoys digging into the word of God when she is not working or participating in ministry activities. His prose and poetry have previously appeared in publications such as Objective and Creation Illustrated, and his short plays have been performed at Christmas by Sunday school students for several years. Follow Candice’s scriptural studies on her blog

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