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What is CBD oil? Can Christians use it?

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What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical derived from cannabis plants and found in marijuana. Those who use it have noted various benefits, such as a reduction in seizures, a reduction in anxiety, increased pain relief, and help to stop addictive behaviors. as a smoker – maybe even opioid dependence disorders.

Until recently, CBD oil contained tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most active ingredient in marijuana, which creates a “high” in its users. Now, CBD does not contain THC, according to this article from the Mayo Clinicor at least it may not contain sufficient quantities to alter the mental state of its user.

CBD can cause side effects such as fatigue and dry mouth. In certain clinical testsusers have experienced liver problems, irritability, nausea and fatigue.

CBD can come in various forms, such as oil, extract, vaporized liquid, and capsule. However, among these CBD products, the FDA has only approved a CBD oil in name Epidiolex.

Is CBD legal?

Medical marijuana is legal in most places except Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Although not specified in this WebMD articleCBD oil could fall under the medical marijuana umbrella due to its medicinal qualities.

According to a recent Harvard article“All 50 states have laws legalizing CBD with varying degrees of restriction, and while the federal government still considers CBD in the same class as marijuana, it does not usually mandate it.”


In addition to the benefits listed above, researchers claim that CBD oil may help with conditions such as depression, cancer-related symptoms, type 1 diabetes, acne, insomnia and Alzheimer’s disease. And CBD oil harnesses these benefits without the mind-altering symptoms that accompany THC.

Also, according to a report from the World Health Organization, CBD does not produce addictive effects common to abused drugs. “In particular, unlike other drugs of abuse, it does not activate the mesolimbic (reward) dopamine pathway in the brain nor potentiate the effect of rewarding electrical stimulation” (p. 14) . This means that those who use it will not become dependent on it.

The risks

Although Epidiolex has been approved by the FDA, the CBD market is largely unregulated. The FDA held a public hearing May 31, 2019 about CBD, but it seems that CBD oil is still unregulated. This means that distributors can write whatever they want on the label of a CBD product.

This is a significant risk if a consumer is concerned about the purity or potency of their CBD oil. As Mayo Clinic “A recent study of 84 CBD products purchased online showed that more than a quarter of the products contained less CBD than was labeled. Additionally, THC was found in 18 products. “

Aside from the side effects listed above, the lack of research on CBD can lead one to question whether the benefits of CBD oil are truly a direct cause or some other correlation. The public needs more on this product to make a safer choice.

THE Mayo Clinic suggests consulting your doctor if you are considering using CBD products.

But even if it is useful, legal and safe, do can use it?

Can Christians Use CBD? What does the Bible say?

The Bible has nothing specific to say about CBD because its authors would not have encountered it. Although CBD didn’t really emerge as its own product until 1963, the Bible may have something to say about what should do when we encounter gray areas.

We must of course avoid abusing any substance that could affect our state of mind (Ephesians 5:18). Anything that impairs our judgment can compromise our conscience and enable poor spiritual decisions. And, because CBD oil is unregulated, this may allow some sellers to slip elements into products (such as THC), which may affect our judgment.

But what about the FDA-approved Epidolex? THE can use this?

It comes down to consciousness.

Paul encountered a dilemma of conscience in Rome (Romans 14). Some believed that eating meat sold in pagan temples was wrong and would allow demonic activity to enter their lives. Others viewed meat as an innocuous purchase and did not worry about spiritual damage.

Although Paul did not agree that in this scenario the scenario was right or wrong, he encouraged the to exercise caution, especially when sharing this meat with each other.

If a Christian sitting at the table believed that meat carried demonic forces, Paul warned the not to eat the meat before them, or to cause them pain, or to put a stumbling block before them.

In other words, “you can believe it’s not false. But if anyone in your company thinks it might cause them to sin or has strong beliefs against it, don’t flaunt it in their presence. “

To take another example, some Christians drink for social occasions. In moderation, alcohol has minimal effects on the body and judgment. However, if you place a bottle of wine in your home in front of a guest with a history of alcoholism, you are tempting it in front of their eyes. While we may not see an occasional drink as a sin, we cause them grief by placing it on the counter during a social gathering with them.

The same biblical principle can be applied to CBD oil. Some Christians consider the use of any cannabis product to be sinful, even if it has no effect on judgment.

Others see it as a product that can relieve pain. But if a Christian gets together with another, especially a Christian who has a history with an addiction to marijuana-related products, they should exercise caution.

Hope Bolinger is a literary agent with CYLE and a recent graduate of Taylor University’s Professional Writing Program. More than 300 of his works have appeared in various publications, ranging from Writer’s Digest to Keys for Kids. She has worked for various publishing companies, magazines, newspapers and literary agencies and has edited the work of authors such as Jerry B. Jenkins and Michelle Medlock Adams. His “Hope’s Hacks” column, tips and tricks for avoiding writers’ block, reaches more than 2,700 readers per week and is featured monthly on Cyle Young’s blog, which receives more than 63,000 hits per month. His modern Daniel, “Flamber,” (Illuminate YA) has just been released. Learn more about her here.

Photo credit: GettyImages / Tinnakorn Jorruang

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Can Christians Use Cbd Oil


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