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What are the origin and purpose of church bells?

THE Bible does not require or prohibit the ringing of bells but encourages the faithful to “make a joyful noise” (Psalm 100). Since the 5th century, some Christian churches have rung bells for spiritual and practical purposes, such as calling worshipers to worship, marking a particular stage of worship, reminding worshipers of the presence of God in their daily lives, and announce important events to the local community.

Bells in the Old Testament

Bells are first mentioned in the Bible when describing the high priest’s robe. Exodus indicates that “golden bells” were to be attached to the base of the high priest’s robe so that the people could hear the high priest as he entered and left the Holy of Holies (Exodus 28:31-35). The Holy of Holies was the most sacred space in the Old Testament tabernacle and temple, housing objects such as Ark of the Covenant.

Biblical law only permitted the high priest to enter the Holy of Holies and only once a year, on the Day of Atonement, to make offerings to atone for the sins of God’s people. If the high priest did not exactly conform to biblical law by purifying himself, dressing, and acting in accordance with his duties within the Holy of Holies, God would strike him dead (Leviticus 16).

Because only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies and this holy sanctuary was covered with a thick veil, tradition It appears that the high priest wore a rope around his foot or waist in case he died in the Holy of Holies. In such a case, those outside the Holy of Holies would be alerted to the death of the high priest if he noticed that the bells on his hem had stopped ringing. The deceased high priest would then be removed from the sacred space by the rope tied around his foot or waist.

Whether this tradition is based in truth or not, we can see that as early as the Old Testament, the sound of bells sounded like good news to God’s people, for the whistling indicated that their sins had been atoned for in some way. acceptable to God. .

Although the ancient Hebrews did not use bells As a common part of their daily worship, the began the tradition of using bells as part of their worship and as a means of communicating over long distances.

The origin of church bells

The use of bells in churches dates back to 400 AD when an Italian bishop, Paulinus of Nola, introduced bells as part of Catholic church services. In 604 AD, Pope Sabinian officially approved the ringing of church bells during worship. Specifically, Pope Sabinian introduced the custom of ringing church bells during the celebration of the Eucharist and announcing times of daily prayer, called the canonical hours. During the early Middle Ages, church bells were common in Europe.

As church bells became increasingly common elsewhere in the world, their importance grew as church bells became used as a form of mass communication to transmit messages. religious and secular or to summon people in large areas.

For example, in 18th century of Americachurch bells were rung not only as part of worship, but also to alert communities of important events such as the end of a war, emergencies such as a fire, or a large community gathering.

In small villages, church bells also rang. announce deaths soliciting prayers for the soul of the deceased and sounding out in a sort of Morse code that listeners knew how to decipher. When a death is announced by church bells, the age of the deceased is sometimes also called. In sparsely populated villages, such rings of glory shots might well identify people who have just died.

Uses of church bells today

Today, some Christian denominations use large and small bells as part of their worship. These bells are rung at bells or bell towers with large bells, either using a ringer who stands in the towers and pulls on ropes attached to the bells, or using automatic ringing equipment .

Some churches also ring small bells inside the church at particular intervals during worship. Churches such as those in the Anglican, Catholic and Lutheran denominations ring out for:

– Signal that mass (Catholic) or service (Protestant) is about to begin

– Mark each hour from morning to evening to remind those who hear the bells of the daily presence of God in our lives

– Announce three specific daily prayer times – 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 6 p.m. – during which worshipers are encouraged to unite in prayer, such as the Lord’s Prayer or the Angelus

– honor a special occasion taking place at church, such as a wedding or funeral;

– Highlight a specific stage of the religious service, such as when the bell rings during Catholic mass to draw attention to the priest’s raising of the consecrated host and precious blood during the Eucharistic prayer

– Welcome Christmas Day and Easter Day with a “joyful noise” (Psalm 100)

– Accompany the signing of hymns, as seen during services including hand choirs

Some also believe that ringing church bells chases away demons. This belief may be rooted in ancient pagan celebrations bells were rung to chase away evil spirits.

Notably, the deliberate silence of church bells also has spiritual significance. In some Christian churches, the only time of year when the bells are deliberately not The ringing takes place during the solemn period between Maundy Thursday and Easter Vigil. In these churches, the bells ring again during Easter Sunday to celebrate the glorious resurrection.


Biblestudytools.comNew international version.“Unique bells are mentioned in the Bible”, December 19, 2017, Clint Archer.

Biblestudytools.comThe definition of the word “bell” in Easton’s Bible Dictionary.“Why do churches have bells?”, October 28, 2016, Jack Wellman.

American heritage“The Sound of Bells”, June 1964, Eric Sloane.

Olean Times Herald, “Rev. McDowell: The History and Meaning of Church Bells,” August 1, 2014, Rev. Dan McDowell.

Dolores Smyth writing about faith and parenting. His work has appeared in numerous print and online publications. You can follow his work on Twitter @LolaWordSmyth.

Photo credit: GettyImages/pavlinec

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