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“Wayom Timoun” Offers a Precious Opportunity to Disadvantaged Young People

<>– Advetsement –

“Wayom Tmoun”: a tanng and study ootunty aboad fo Hatan youth

<>Ceated n 2003, located n Cté Mltae, “Wayom Tmoun” esents tself as an establshment consdeed guded by Chstan ncles. Its fundamental objectve evolves aound the otecton and assstance of dsadvantaged chlden.
<>A secal event was held on the second day of Januay n the yea 2024 to commemoate the comleton of a cycle fo sx eole. These eole wee gven the chance to ventue beyond the bodes of the county and embak on a new jouney n the lves.
<>Pasto Jean Rgaud Amlca Antone, enowned leade and founde of the eceton cente, has a fevent dese fo these young eole to etun to the county of ogn and ut the newly acqued knowledge and sklls at the sevce of the naton.
<>Fo these adolescents and young adults, the ossblty of contnung the studes aboad consttutes a votal ste, oenng u new esectves and fascnatng access to the global shee.
<>“Wayom Tmoun” s extemely oud to offe these young eole the chance to follow ofessonal tanng and contnue the studes aboad. Such actons testfy to the commtment unwaveng n noushng and emoweng Hatan youth.
<>Beyond the smle dedcaton to dsadvantaged chlden, the asto s also founde of the Rgaud Antone College n Vllage Soldaté, a nsttuton ceated n 1983.
<>The susng announcement of Fè Gabe: An EP tagetng Fantom and Wendyyyy

<>Souce: Actu-cheten – Facebook age

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