The announcement by Donald Trump, on November 15, of his candidacy for the nomination of the Republican Party for the 2024 presidential election seems to arouse less enthusiasm among most personalities evangelicals who supported him in 2017 and 2020. Previously ostensibly supported by pastors, the former president nevertheless remains popular with the voter base evangelicals.
In 2016, Franklin Graham, the son of the influential evangelist Billy Graham, publicly supported Donald Trump while various candidates evangelicals were running in the Republican primaries, including the favorite Ted Cruz, son of a Baptist pastor. Already in 2011, he declared himself favorable to a possible candidacy of the New York magnate.
Other religious figures have supported Trump, including African-American pastor Darrell C. Scott, who was one of his spiritual advisors and founded with his wife the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, a Pentecostal megachurch. of 3,000 members. Several meetings with pastors have had…
The article was written by: The Editorial Team
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