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Travis Ryan releases “He’s Alive”

Nominated for the Multi-Dove Awards and recognized by ASCAP, the and #1 artist, Travis Ryan is back with new music. Travis’ new single titled “He’s Alive” is now available to download/stream.

Today is Good Friday! Today we remember the death, sacrifice and murder of Jesus Christ. He became sin who did not know that sin was our salvation and our life! This day is wild, beautiful and horrible. I pray that you remember your sin, and if you follow the path of Jesus, I pray that you remember your Savior who hung on a sturdy wooden cross and bled and died willingly. He is the resurrection and the life. Jesus died, he was buried, and three days later he did the impossible; Jesus rose from the dead! He rose from his grave and triumphed over death. Our reality today is that Jesus is alive! He is not here, he is resurrected! He is alive! -Travis Ryan

The post office Travis Ryan releases “He’s Alive” appeared first on TCA.

Author: Herb Longs

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