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Train the child in the way he should follow

Good evening,

Are you, until today, proud of your child’s education?

Life is not given to be totally devoted to idleness and pleasure. The spiritual education of our children must be our primary concern.

Proverbs 22:6 says: Train a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not turn away from it.

From a young age, it is necessary to erect strong barriers between our children and the world so that its corruptible influences do not reach them.

For example :

At home and at school, we have an obligation to teach children to be honest with God in all circumstances and in all places. We must realize our responsibility and help our children appreciate the privileges and blessings that God gives them.

Good training, education of our offspring, gave them the fear of God. They will be protected by the shed blood of Jesus so the power of evil angels will have no effect on them, the powers of darkness will be repelled and a sanctifying influence will surround them.

Our children belong to the Lord. They were bought at a great price. Let’s help them stay on the path to salvation.

Parents, you have a role as educators to play in the home. It is up to you to join together to teach your children to drink happily from the life of Christ by following his example. Become aware of this need, remove harsh and impulsive words from the atmosphere of the house, make your home a place where the angels will come to bless and make the efforts made effective.

With Christ, your children will walk beside the waters of life.

God bless you !




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