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Top 30 donor countries in humanitarian and social aid

In a world where humanitarian crises and social needs are increasingly pressing, certain countries stand out for their generosity and commitment to support those who need it. Here are the 30 countries most engaged in humanitarian and social aid, accompanied by recent statistics and brief biographies.

These countries show the importance of global solidarity and humanitarian aid…

  • Biography: Undisputed world leader in terms of foreign aid, with a strong focus on food support, education and health.
  • Statistics: Around $35 billion in humanitarian aid in 2021. [Source: USAID]
  1. Germany
  • Biography: Key player in Europe, focused on global stability and human rights.
  • Statistics: Around $24 billion allocated in 2021. [Source: BMZ]
  1. United Kingdom
  • Biography: Strong tradition of charity, with numerous projects in Africa and Asia.
  • Statistics: Around $18 billion for international aid in 2021. [Source: DFID]
  1. Japan
  • Biography: Prioritizes disaster prevention and economic development.
  • Statistics: Around $16 billion in 2021. [Source: JICA]
  1. France
  • Biography: Focused on French-speaking Africa and climate initiatives.
  • Statistics: 15 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: AFD]
  1. Canada
  • Biography: Strong support for human rights and refugees.
  • Statistics: 6 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: GAC]
  1. Suede
  • Biography: Devotes a large part of its budget to humanitarian aid.
  • Statistics: 5 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: Sida]
  1. Norway
  • Biography: Strong commitment to peace and human rights.
  • Statistics: $4.5 billion in 2021. [Source: Norad]
  1. The Netherlands
  • Biography: Sustainable development and food security as priorities.
  • Statistics: 5 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
  1. Australia
  • Biography: Agile in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
  • Statistics: 4 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: DFAT]
  1. Swiss
  • Biography: Neutrality and strong humanitarian support.
  • Statistics: $3.5 billion in 2021. [Source: SDC]
  1. Denmark
  • Biography: Sustainable development and human rights in mind.
  • Statistics: 3 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: Danida]
  1. Italy
  • Biography: Priority on the Mediterranean and North Africa.
  • Statistics: 4 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: AICS]
  1. Spain
  • Biography: Focuses on Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Statistics: 3 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: AECID]
  1. Belgium
  • Biography: Focus on Africa and sustainable development.
  • Statistics: $2.5 billion in 2021. [Source: DGD]
  1. Finland
  • Biography: Focuses on education and poverty.
  • Statistics: 1 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: MFA Finland]
  1. South Korea
  • Biography: Focus on Asia and Africa.
  • Statistics: $2.5 billion in 2021. [Source: KOICA]
  1. Ireland
  • Biography: Emphasis on Africa and sustainable development.
  • Statistics: 1 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: Irish Aid]
  1. Saudi Arabia
  • Biography: Support for Arab and Muslim countries.
  • Statistics: 6 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: KSRelief]
  1. United Arab Emirates
  • Biography: Major donor in the Arab world.
  • Statistics: 2 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: UAE MOFAIC]
  1. Austria
  • Biography: Focuses on the Balkans, Central Europe.
  • Statistics: $1.5 billion in 2021. [Source: ADA]
  1. Luxembourg
  • Biography: Focus on sustainable development.
  • Statistics: $500 million in 2021. [Source: MAEE Luxembourg]
  1. New Zealand
  • Biography: Helping Pacific Neighbors.
  • Statistics: 600 million dollars in 2021. [Source: MFAT]
  1. Qatar
  • Biography: Major donor in the educational field.
  • Statistics: 1 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: QFFD]
  1. Kuwait
  • Biography: Notable support in Muslim countries.
  • Statistics: 400 million dollars in 2021. [Source: KFAS]
  1. Portugal
  • Biography: Commitment to former colonies.
  • Statistics: $500 million in 2021. [Source: Camões I.P.]
  1. Iceland
  • Biography: Small but committed, focus on human rights.
  • Statistics: $100 million in 2021. [Source: ICEIDA]
  1. Greece
  • Biography: Aid concentrated in the Mediterranean region.
  • Statistics: $300 million in 2021. [Source: Hellenic Aid]
  1. Türkiye
  • Biography: Active in helping refugees.
  • Statistics: 8 billion dollars in 2021. [Source: TIKA]
  1. Poland
  • Biography: Aid directed towards Eastern Europe.
  • Statistics: 800 million dollars in 2021. [Source: MFA Poland]

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Top 30 donor countries in humanitarian and social aid

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