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Thrive in all circumstances…3 suggestions

“You must be completely renewed in your heart and mind.” Ephesians 4:23

Things change unpredictably today. Many of the changes happening in our world have no common thread. Long-term forecasting and planning are high-risk activities these days. It is impossible to guarantee any continuity in any area. Probably the only reliable prediction is that things will change!

To succeed, it is not enough to face change, you must exploit it!

In this “Age of Unreason”, to use Charles Handy’s expression, we must learn to think in a completely different way to adapt to this unpredictable environment. This is what management theorist Tom Peters calls “Thriving in Chaos.” To succeed, it is not enough to face change, you must exploit it! All change is an opportunity in disguise. Since it is impossible to stop it, we must take advantage of it.

Here are three suggestions from the Bible:

1. Keep a positive attitude toward change. Although not everyone is good, we are free to decide our attitude. Change, even negative, can be an ally if you know how to take advantage of it and use it in a positive way. “It is necessary that the of your thoughts be renewed, your heart be transformed, and your whole mental and spiritual attitude changed” (Ephesians 4:23).

2. Never stop learning. Never think you know everything. Stay humble and you will be surprised by everyone who can teach you something – friends, neighbors, children, employees, customers, business competitors, etc. “An intelligent man desires to acquire knowledge, a wise man seeks to hear words of instruction.” (Proverbs 18:15).

3. Stay flexible. Before the invention of glass bottles, wine was kept in animal skin skins. As they aged, they became brittle and the new wine which was still fermenting caused them to burst. Jesus said: “No one puts new wine into old wineskins” (Luke 5:37-39). He meant that in the face of change, we must adapt or risk exploding!

An action

Pray this prayer: “Lord, help me to be more flexible this week.”


source: topchretien

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