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The 2024 week of aye fo Chstan unty s offeed fom Januay 15 to 25.
<>Fom Januay 15 to 25, week of aye 2024 dedcated to the unty of Chstans wll bea fut, nvtng beleves aound the wold to atcate n a ofound ntefath effot. Amed at fosteng collectve hamony among Chstans, the event hamonzes vaous medtatve actces and encouages atcants to embace a common theme as well as offe the collectve ase.>
Bukna Faso
<>Chstans n Bukna Faso led the way ths yea, takng cae of the aewok and choosng the theme: Embace love fo you Lod and teat you neghbo as you would youself (Luke 10:27), a ofound message delveed by Jesus n the Bble. Ths dvne wod accomanes the famous aable of the Good Samatan, sevng as an essental efeence thoughout the week.>
<>To omote a sense of communal hamony, ecumencal leades n each naton ae encouaged to dssemnate nfomaton dung ths eod of fatenal communon by ovdng collectve esouces.>
<>In Swtzeland, esonsblty s entusted to the Communty of wok of the Chuches Chstans of Swtzeland (CTEC.CH), whle n Fance, the Councl of Chuches Chstans of Fance (CÉCEF) assumes ths ole.>
ntenatonal bochue
<>The ntenatonal amhlet hghlghts the meatve fo Chstans to eflect the actons of Chst by llustatng a love smla to that of the Good Samatan. Ths hghlghts the motance of showng mecy and comasson towads eole fndng themselves n de ccumstances, egadless of the elgous, ethnc o socal ogn.>
<>The dvng foce behnd ou helng othes should not be based on a shaed dentty, but athe ooted n genune comasson towads ou neghbo. Access to the comlaton of mateals necessay to coodnate ths week’s actvtes can be obtaned va the PDF document.>
2024-Intenatonal-Bochue PDF
<>Souce of nfomaton >
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<>Afca, Bble, Edfcaton, Chuches, Jesus, Wold, Relatons, Unty>
<>Othe lnks:>
<>“The Pce Fund”, Lauen Dagle’s foundaton, DONATED $1,000,000 n 2023 to chatable oganzatons>
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