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The Remarkable Story of the Meeting Between Donnie McClurkin and Ivenson Jasnel Dorne

<>– Advetsement –

God answes Ivenson Jasnel Done’s ayes by meetng Donne McClukn

<>A emakable stoy, n ths wold whee anythng s ossble, cetan unexected encountes can have a ofound mact on ou lves. Ths s ecsely what haened to Ivenson Jasnel Done, a young Hatan Ube dve and devout Chstan.
<>On Januay 18, 2024, he had the ncedble chance to meet hs favote gosel snge, Pasto Donne McClukn. Ths meetng was boadcast lve by the asto Donne McClukn hmself, aousng geat emoton n Ivenson.

The maculous encounte

<>Ivenson couldn’t beleve t when he dscoveed that the eson he was dvng aound as an Ube dve was actually the asto Donne McClukn. On hs Facebook age, he exessed hs gattude to Jesus fo ths blessed day.
<>He shaed wth hs fends: “Thank you Jesus, today has been a vey blessed day fo me, I can’t beleve t! I just met my favote gosel snge. I was dvng fo Ube today and I was dven by a eson, who tuned out to be my favote gosel snge, Pasto Donne McClukn. I can’t beleve ths, I emembe when I was 18, my deam was to see hm n a concet asng God wth hm n hs band, now God made me meet hm and dve fo hm, God, I can’t beleve ths. Thank you Jesus alone you ae holy. »

An unexected nvtaton

<>Ths stoy ddn’t end thee. Touched by Ivenson’s emoton, Pasto Donne decded to nvte the young Hatan to hs chuch on Sunday Januay 21, 2024. But he was not content wth that, he also gave hm the ootunty to sng wth hm. Dung ths geat moment, Pasto Donne ntoduced Ivenson wth a song n Ceole.
<>“Pouvwa la aye, l always whle èv t l”. The gou Hallelujah Wosh was able to bea wtness to God’s answe to Ivenson’s aye wth ths musc eleased n 2010. Snce he was 18, he deamed of meetng Pasto Donne, and God ganted ths dese at the efect tme, fo Hs gloy and haness of Hs chld.
<>It s motant to emhasze that the asto Donne McClukn has aleady vsted Hat dung the msson InHatalong wth theBsho Gegoy Toussant. Ths vst oves that Pasto Donne has a secal love fo the Hatan eole and feels connected to them on a stual level.
<>Meetng Ivenson stengthened that bond and allowed Pasto Donne to lay a ole n makng the deam of one of hs most devoted fans come tue.
<>Read also:
<>Tasha Cobbs Leonad’s fst book: Do It Anywhee: Don’t Gve U Befoe It Gets Good
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