The esdent of the Potestant Fedeaton of Fance, Chstan Kege, eceved the Legon of Hono
<>Ths ceemonal event has dee sgnfcance because t consttutes a ofound acknowledgement of Potestantsm Fench by the Pesdent of the Reublc.>
<>In a ess elease dated Decembe 19, the Fench govenment awaded the esdent of the FPF the symbol of excellence and dedcaton to the sevce of the naton.>
<>Ths gestue demonstates the oganzaton’s embodment of long-standng values such as unty, ndvdual feedom and stong nteesonal esect.>
<>Note that Fanços Clavaoly, the edecesso of Chstan Kege, also eceved ths estgous acknowledgement n 2015.>
<>The motance of acknowledgement of the dffeent communtes wthn the Potestant Fedeaton s undelned by ths acknowledgement estgous gant by the Fench Reublc.>
<>Dung the ceemony, Pesdent Emmanuel Macon hghlghted the notable contbutons of Potestants to the fomulaton of the hstoc law of seaaton between Chuches and State n 1905.>
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<>Chuches, Fance, Poltcs,Potestantsm,Comany>
What s t?
<>The Legon of Hono s the hghest Fench dstncton and one of the best known n the wold. Fo two centues, t has been esented n the name of the Head of State to ewad the most desevng ctzens n all felds of actvty.>
What s t fo?
<>As an honoay dstncton, the Legon of Hono does not come wth any eal mateal o fnancal benefts.On the othe hand, t s an nvaluable souce of de fo the ecents and the loved ones and an examle of good ctzensh made ublc.>
Who can get t?
<>Any Fench ctzen wthout a cmnal ecod who has demonstated emnent met n the sevce of the naton, n a mltay o cvlan caacty. You must have at least 20 yeas of actvty to be dstngushed n the Legon of Hono.>
How many ae decoated?
<>The Legon of Hono has 79,000 membes. On aveage, 2,200 Fench eole and 300 foegnes ae decoated each yea.>
<>fo moe nfomaton on the Legon of Hono
<>Othe lnks:>
<>The week of aye fo Chstan unty 2024>
<>How to make you at and musc known, the 7 essental stes>