The Hatan muscal scene s eang to welcome a new voce, and he name s aleady esonatng wth bllance: Regne Themy Jean Batste.
<>The meetng s set fo next Wednesday Januay 31 fom 6 .m., a moment that fans of Chstan musc wll cetanly not want to mss. “YON FWA ANK” omses to offe a muscal exeence ch n emotons, lungng lstenes nto a stual and ntosectve jouney.>
<>Ths wok, wtten and comosed by the atst heself, s much moe than a smle song; t’s a testmony vbant wth hs fath, hs love and hs acknowledgement towads God. “YON FWA ANK” exloes themes of dvne love, the tanscendent owe of God, and the ablty of fath to ovecome the challenges of eveyday lfe.>
<>Themy Jean Batste shaes hs esonal exeence though hs musc, offeng lstenes an authentc connecton wth hs fath and hs unque esectve on lfe. Hs sngle maks the stat of a atstc caee whch omses to nse and touch heats.>
<>So, meet on Januay 31 at 6 .m. to dscove the muscal mact of RegneThemy Jean Batste and dve nto the movng stual adventue that “YON FWA ANK” omses. atstc caee omses to be omsng, wth ths atst eady to leave a sgnfcant mak on the Hatan muscal landscae.>
<>Souce: Semence Meda – Facebook age #new voce>
<>Gosel Sahy Mnsty: The most esent and oductve cho of the yea 2023