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The mountain before the valley, Jean Ruland

Life is not one peak after another.

Mark 9:2-9

2 Six days later Jesus took Peter, James and John with him, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. He was transfigured before them; 3 his clothes became resplendent, and so white that there is no fuller on the earth that can make them white…

Life is full of ups and downs. A peak is a great thing happening in your life, something big, something to celebrate and remember: the birth of your child which is a highlight of your life, the day you got married was a summit. During these times, it is easy to be a Christian. “God is good,” you think to yourself. There is no doubt in your mind that God is blessing you.

But life is not one peak after another

There are also valleys. The difficulties of life, the difficult times. When you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, it’s a valley. When a loved one dies, it’s a valley.

During these times, it is sometimes more difficult to be a Christian. When you’re in the valley, it’s hard to say, “God is good.” Sometimes your faith is shaken. There are some doubts that arise when you are in a valley.

Mountains and valleys. Where are you ? Are you at the top? Or are you in a valley? Maybe you’re somewhere in between. Maybe there’s a peak or valley for you not far away, and you don’t even know it.

The disciples of Jesus Christ had no idea that they were about to enter a valley, that they were about to pass through a hollow with the Savior. Things with Jesus seemed to be going so well, he had performed miracles, walked on water, fed over 5000 people. He had been surrounded by a crowd of people, who were listening to his parables.
It was easy to be a follower of Jesus at that time. There was no doubt that this man was the Son of God, the Savior of the world. The disciples experience one climax after another with Jesus.

But only a little further away stood the valley of the shadow of death. The crowds would soon turn against Jesus. He will be betrayed and arrested, tortured, publicly condemned and executed in the most shameful manner known to man at that time. The disciples will be filled with fear and doubt. Was Jesus the Son of God. Soon it will be very difficult to be a follower of Christ. A deep, dark valley was just down the road and the disciples had no idea.

And that’s why today Jesus takes them to the top of a mountain. He allows them to experience something amazing, with their own eyes, they get a glimpse of His glory. Just before the valley, Jesus takes them up the mountain, to a high point, and he does this to strengthen them for the difficult road ahead of them.

Today it is good for us to go on this path with the disciples too, and experience this high point with them.
So far the disciples have seen him in his power, what a great master they said, without a doubt, he is the Son of God the Savior of the world. But , Jesus descends into the valley of the shadow of death. You read in the scriptures how he was rejected. How weakened he was. How he suffered and died for the sins of the world. In this valley we see it in difficult times.

Our peaks also prepare us for something else, for our personal valleys. They prepare us for when we go through our own difficult times.

Mark 9:2
2 Six days later Jesus took Peter, James and John with him, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. He was transfigured before them;

“The word “transfigured” means that Jesus’ appearance was completely changed. The other gospels tell us that his face changed. “His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach.” Another evangelist tells us that Jesus’ clothes became “as bright as lightning.” At that moment, Jesus revealed his divinity. He was the holy one, God Almighty, and the brightness of His appearance was revealed to the disciples. This was good, because soon the disciples would see Jesus dirty and bloody, dying and weak.

Mark 9:4
4 Elijah and Moses appeared to them, talking with Jesus.

The other gospels tell us that they spoke of his future death, resurrection and ascension. These are the two biggest of the Old Testament.
What an incredible highlight for the disciples. Pierre wanted this moment to last forever. He wasn’t really sure what to say or do, so he said:

Mark 9:5-6

5 Peter answered and said to Jesus, Rabbi, it is good that we are here; let us pitch three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. 6 For he did not know what to say, fear having seized them.

But that idea wasn’t even a possibility. Instead of that :

Mark 9:7
7 A cloud came and covered them, and a voice came out of the cloud: This is my beloved Son: listen to him!

The disciples were surrounded by a luminous fog, and then they heard the voice of God the Father himself. It must have been an amazing thing, to hear the voice of God the Father. They heard the father say that Jesus is truly the Son, that he was loved, and that they should listen to him. Again, this was good for the disciples to hear. Soon people would say that Jesus was not the Son of God. Soon they will say that God the Father did not love Christ. Religious leaders would say that no one should listen to Jesus. But here it is clear, none of this is true, this is the true Son of God, loved by the Father, whose words are the words we should listen to.
And then, just as quickly as it began, that moment ended:

Mark 9:8
8 Immediately the disciples looked around, and they saw only Jesus alone with them.

It was a powerful moment for the disciples, a peak, they saw Christ in all his glory, surrounded by the , and acclaimed by God the Father. This would help strengthen them to continue with Jesus through the valley of the shadow of death. It also helps us as we move through our own personal peaks and valleys of life. I don’t know where you are right now, whether you’re having a high moment, or a low moment. And I don’t know where you’ll be in two years.
For us today, at this moment, it is good that we remember the glory of our Savior, who He really is.
The disciples needed to climb a mountain to see this. Today, is your mountain to climb. Every time you hear , you climb the mountain. There you see Christ, who took your sins on the cross and rose from the dead. There you get a glimpse of His glory, even if just for a moment. Your communion with Him and , this is your mountaintop. It is good for you that you are there, because there you are strengthened for the days to come, for all future valleys.

May this same glory that you see today through Jesus strengthen and transform you. Amen.

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