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The Haitian spiritual lighthouse of Miami has the chronicle

A religious complex of $ 60 million at the heart of the debates

Bishop Gregory ToussaintHaitian-American pastor, inaugurated in July 2024 a campus of 60,000 square feet in North Miami. This pharaonic project, funded by donations and 62 world branches, welcomes 2,500 faithful in its main sanctuary. Despite his futuristic design (monumental waterfall, holographic audiovisual systems), the building raises questions: ” Why not invest in housing or hospitals?“, A question that arises on social networks by several.

Between disputed miracles and community influence

The church claims supernatural healings (including one case of cancer), mainly during online broadcasts. With more than 1 million YouTube subscribers and trilingual cults (Creole, English, Spanish), Pasteur Toussaint puts on a teaching ” practical »Mixing entrepreneurship and biblical principles. His project now includes a school, a radio (Shekinah FM) and a credit cooperative.

Corporate and socio-economic realities

Criticized for her ambitious fundraising (donations of $ 1,000 called ” Solomon offering“), The religious leader defends himself:” serving God does not mean renouncing material resources “, citing the example of Billy Graham. The Haitian community remains divided: pride of having an emblematic place VS reproaches on financial priorities.

Tabernacle of Glory: the Haitian spiritual lighthouse of Miami has the chronicle

A controversial empowerment model

With 25,000 active members and political partnerships, the tabernacle influences the chessboard. However, his economic model Question: 40 days of annual fast mobilizing 4,000 participants, spiritual merchandising, and real estate expansion on 6 acres.

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