BGospel Magazine espagnol
BGospel Magazine francophone

Taliana Lindor


, eldest daughter of a pastor, Taliana was born into a Christian family passionate about music. Very early on, she became familiar with different musical styles such as gospel, blues, country and jazz.

Having had Mariah Carey and Nathalie Cole as idols, little Taliana showed real talents as a singer with a special voice.

Her cousin David Lindor having enrolled her in his group, she went on stage for the first time at the age of 16. His talents quickly resonated with those around him. At the end of secondary school, her father had to intervene so that she abandoned all musical activity in order to concentrate on her studies. It was only in 2014 that Taliana formally returned to the stage by starting a career .
She also defines herself as an artist leading a social career by developing a style that is a mixture of jazz, blues and gospel.

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