“I also had to tell you this so that you could find peace in me. In the world you will have to suffer many afflictions. But courage! I have conquered the world.”
John 16:33 NIV
Reflection on this verse
It is often said that life is not easy. They say it is unfair. Do you know that a Christian shouldn’t think like this for the simple reason that our savior knows it and asks us to be strong to get through this stage of life?
Do you know that, if we have the strength necessary to hold on when the tide of suffering is very strong, when the rain of incomprehension falls, and despite everything we continue to move forward, it is at this moment that we will move on more quickly and we will see the glory of God?
The question is whether we have the strength necessary to not stop during the ordeal but to continue moving forward slowly but surely?
By having the courage to move forward, we will achieve the glory of God in our time and not in ours which we do not even know, because of our multiple stops.
Remember, if you stop, you will lose a lot of time. So don’t stop, take courage, pray and move forward! You will succeed despite this period of suffering.