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Studio Fest 4th Edition, Aniel Fils Signs A Noteworthy Performance

“”By Jude Cerene

The “Studio Fest Meet and Show” concert series continues and the organizers are timidly, but surely, beginning to find the right rhythm. Whether in terms of punctuality or decoration, the progress is clearly visible. The show continues to gain in maturity and audience as the artists perform. Simultaneous broadcasting on different platforms is also a major asset.

Sunday May 10, 2020 marked the 4th release of this weekly event and it was singer Aniel Fils who was in the spotlight, accompanied on keyboard by the talented Ismaël Pierre. The former vocal lead of the group Alléluia left his mark on this show by covering songs very well known to the public with skill and mastery while leaving space for Internet users to mingle in the atmosphere from home.

The founder and former manager of the group Alléluia, Judson Jean Louis, spoke during the show. Surprise guest of the host of the day, Louibert Meyer, maestro Jean Louis was full of praise for the artist of the evening. The number one of the group Alleluia showed elegance and a lot of appreciation towards the singer who put an end, in March 2019, to eleven years of collaboration within of this group in which he has asserted himself through numerous hits over the years. Currently vocal lead of the group AMEN, Aniel also received compliments from Myria Charles and her audience, visibly satisfied with her performances.

Unsurprisingly, the artist had left the old hits of his former group Alleluia to further embellish the last curve of the show. From “Pouvwa Lapriy” to “Exodus 14:14”, to name just a few, pieces that helped build the history of the group Alléluia came back to life there. ™space of a few moments on the set of “Studio Fest” thanks to the talent of the artist who edified his audience with an almost disconcerting ease.

“Aniel Fils is in very good health, he breathes perfectly well just as he sings divinely well, ” a friend told me who called me after the concert to let me know. of his impressions. “Good tale, ant sings ak breathes, sa pitit sa fè pi byen? » she exclaimed to close her comments about the artist and the concert.

It is an Aniel Fils who is more worshiper than artist that we were able to appreciate this Sunday. Between the singer, the Internet users and the songs selected during his various performances, we hardly felt any limits or distancing although we are still in the context of Covid-19 . This is what happens when anointing joins talent.

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