Good evening,
David, faced with the attacks of his enemies, emphasizes that the only refuge is found in God, because it is to him that the strength, that is to say the sovereignty over all things, belongs.
A wall, a tree, an army, a wealth cannot constitute our strength if God is against us. For the wall may be collapsed, the tree cut down, the wealth ruined, and the army defeated. God alone is the eternal force. He alone can never disappoint us. He is sovereign, his strength is all-powerful, his power infinite, nothing can prevent him from accomplishing what he wants. So we must draw our strength from him alone.
This week we encourage you to spend a little more time with your God, in your room, before bed or very early in the morning. Here are some chapters to help you meditate on.
Tuesday: Isaiah 53
Wednesday: 2 chronicles 7
Thursday: Joshua 1
Friday: Isaiah 60
Saturday: John 5
And on Sunday, before going to the assembly, address God by asking Him to conclude these wonderful moments of intimacy with a direct message, and above all be attentive!
May the strength of the Lord be with you!