SaceX CEO Elon Musk and ae Zuby ague that Chstanty s essental to Westen cvlzaton.
<>Btsh ae Zuby also shaed ths onon, sayng that emovng the Chstanty of Westen cultue s equvalent to emovng the foundatons of a buldng.>
<>He comaed the Chstanty to an mmune system fo the West, emhaszng that ts esence has benefted eveyone, Chstans and no-Chstans.>
<>Musk esonded to Zuby’s tweet by sayng he obably ageed wth hm. Although Musk does not have an othodox fath n Jesus Chst, he has exessed admaton fo the ncles eached by Jesus.>
<>TD Jakes denes accusatons of same-sex elatonshs at Combs-Dddy ates>
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