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The mysteries of Frè Gabe’s EP, Songs Dedicated to Fantom and Wendyyy Return

Frè Gabe and his controversial EP: What impact on the Christian community?

At the end of 2023, beginning of 2024, the popular and talented artist Frè Gabe announced the release of his EP, with two songs specially dedicated to two very popular HMI artists, Fantom and Wendyyy .


CP: Facebook Frè gabe

We raised questions about the fact that the artist seemed to seek favors from influencers in the non-religious sector. We warned of the danger of popularity in a community lacking knowledge and true leadership.

Read here: Surprising announcement

Inappropriate language to sell the project. Choice of propaganda channel suitable for the target audience. Everything is calculated. Some are even in awe of the genius of this undisputed talent.

Following various reactions, including an unexpected reaction from Fantom, criticism here and there, without clear communication with the press, the artist finally changed the conflicting titles of his EP with other titles .

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CP: Facebook Frè gabe

Christian values ​​versus the strategies of the secular world

In the meantime, a sophisticated marketing strategy has invaded the network, with misleading explanations, testimonies of past events, interviews with secular media, etc. .

Audio-visual strategies

The storm appears to be calm, and as usual, our community’s short memory is active. The feeling of forgiveness and trust sets in again.


A very popular media outlet in Haiti made a publication with the phrase: “Yon HMI en bt”. Among the artists, we see Frè Gabe, symbolizing the eagle, in the minds of the weakest.

Beware of new doctrines. Focus on the Gospel and not on earthly symbols. THE does not give so much importance to the eagle, but to Jesus. Matthew 24:28.

CP: Juno7

The Bible invites us to be careful, because God does not deceive to achieve his purposes.

The water returns to its source…

Frè Gabe eventually returned to his original plan after adopting deceptive strategies. Fantom and Wendyyy are once again in the spotlight.


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CP: Facebook Frè gabe

Let us be vigilant against manipulation and recognize the strategies of the enemy. Let us salute the coherence of certain Christian artists and personalities such as James Alcindor, Wiliadel Dénervil, Stanley Georges, Celigny Dathus, and Rodberry Jacques.

May God help us to discern the truth and stand firm against the wiles of the enemy! I leave you with Matthew 5 v 37 and chapter 7 v 21-23.

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