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So that God forgives you…

All the prophets bear witness of Him (Jesus Christ) that whoever believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name Acts 10:43.

Under what conditions can we receive God’s forgiveness?

To receive God’s forgiveness, we need to validate 3 conditions:

Belong to Jesus Christ : Know therefore, my brethren, that through him is proclaimed unto you the forgiveness of sins,… Acts 13:38

Belonging to Christ is a primary condition, because His death on the cross is the one and only sacrifice that can blot out our iniquities. Without Him, there is no forgiveness from God. So, it is important to start by belonging to Him above all else.

– Confess or confess your faults: He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will have mercy Proverbs 28:13.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1John 1:9.
Confessing one’s faults to God, recognizing one’s iniquity is an important condition before hoping to be forgiven by God. We must begin by confessing our iniquity to God, but in certain cases, God can push us to confess it to the people concerned by the fault we have committed before hoping to be forgiven by Him. So, we must confess or confess our sin.

To repent : Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,… Acts 3:19.

To repent is to abandon one’s sin, it is to stop committing it, it is to restore what we have in our possession illegally, it is to restore the truth, but also, it is to cut all ties with what led us to sin. In the case of abortion, many say they have repented, but continue to fornicate or have adulterous sexual relations. This proves that you have not truly repented, otherwise you would have put your lives in order without continuing to sin against your body, against God. If some people have had abortions several times, it is because they had not really repented of the first time even if they had really regretted it.

Does God’s forgiveness have limits?

God is eternal, but his mercy has limits depending on how Man reacts. God may hand someone over to Satan because that person is not ready to repent of their iniquities or because they continue to find reasons to live in sin. This is why many believe they are still with God, even though God is no longer with them.
God forgives all types of sin, except of course that against the Holy Spirit Mark 3:29, but He always hopes that his son or child also knows how to repent of his sinful acts as quickly as possible. Be careful, grace is deceptiveProverbs 31:30it is especially important not to overuse it so as not to be surprised on the day of judgment after the dead Hebrews 9:27. REPENT WITHOUT DELAY!

How to get rid of the guilt that sometimes persists in the heart despite everything?

If guilt persists in a person’s heart, it is because they do not yet feel forgiven or I could also say that they have not yet truly repented of their sin.
God forgives, He is always willing and ready to welcome those who truly repent with a sincere heart…Why would He refuse to forgive those who ask for forgiveness! He is truly loving and does not hold grudges. If you have truly repented and truly forsaken your sin, then believe that God has forgiven you and do not feel guilty anymore. Remember this sentence from Christ to the adulterous woman in John 8:11 …Neither do I condemn you: go and sin no more.
But, if you have not yet repented, then hurry to do so and you will find the peace of God in your heart.

God forgives, because he is the God of FORGIVENESS!

Author : Donald SORO

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