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Shine Events Presents Loutchina Decius in Paris May 11, 2024


<>– Advetsement –

An excetonal concet wth Loutchna Decus n Pas: A stual exeence not to be mssed

<>Unde the lghts of the Cty of Lghts, Pas s eang to welcome the Hatan Chstan sensaton, Louchna Decus. Invted by Shne Events, the young snge wll shne dung he fst aeaance on May 11.
<>Afte the success of the catvatng efomance of Wladel Denevl, the stage s now eady to vbate to the catvatng sound of the talented Loutchna Décus. A muscal event that omses to llumnate Pas wth ts nsng voce and celestal melodes.
<>The gloy of God wll oeate at the heat of ths evenng, megng Hatan cultual chness wth Pasan elegance. An event whee fath and musc wll tanscend bodes, ceatng a unque atmoshee mbued wth stualty and emoton.
<>Admes of Louchna Decus n Pas wll have the ootunty to dve nto hs excetonal muscal unvese, caed by dee lycs and catvatng hamones. It wll be much moe than just a concet; t wll be a stual exeence, a jouney to the heat of fath exessed though at.
<>Save the date!Edtoal staff: Semence Meda
<>Souce: Semence Meda – Facebook age
<>Sense Butus offcally announces the elease of hs album “Aktve wsans ou “

Souce lnk

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