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Saturday, November 25 marked a significant event at Quisqueya Chapel under the leadership of Pastor David Nelson. The first edition of their annual conference, entitled “TIMOTHY”, inspired by the book of 2 Timothy 2:2, took place with for main theme: “Equipping leaders to make an impact”.
The day was enriched by the remarkable interventions of Pastor Sauld Max Moise from Tabernacle El Elyon and Pastor Delly Benson from Holysong Church. Their sharing undoubtedly provided an inspiring perspective on leadership and its influence in the community.
The moment of worship was enhanced by the presence of the Orchidée Gospel choir, adding a deep spiritual dimension to the event. The fervent music created an atmosphere conducive to reflection and spiritual connection.
This first edition of the annual “TIMOTHÉE” conference was therefore a real success, uniting the community around the vision of equipping the leaders for significant impact. The teachings, sharing and moments of worship constituted a memorable experience, leaving a lasting imprint in the hearts and minds of the participants. We look forward to the next editions of this event which promises to be a tradition carrying values and spirituality.
CP: Chrislo Voltus & Peter Julis
Source: Semence Media – Facebook page