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Ryu Kwangsu, Evangelism by the Power of God

We need our own strength and efforts for all things; however, only the is possible and depends only on the . The Kingdom of God is our background and its fulfillment of the Kingdom of God is the. Additionally, God is always with His children through the Holy Spirit and gives them authority to cast out the forces of darkness wherever they are. How can we rejoice in the kingdom of God continually?

Acts 9:1-15
1 But Saul, still breathing menace and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest, 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any followers of the new doctrine, men or women, he brought them bound to Jerusalem. Read more

1. Faith

God’s works begin when we truly believe His Word. When Moses confessed to God that he was unable to keep His commandments, God replied, “I am the Lord Jehovah. Go to the Israelites and tell them that they must make a sacrifice. I will be with you by my mighty hand.” Amazing works began the moment he grasped the Word of God and made the resolve of faith. The only way God manifests his power is through it.

2. The

When we continue to receive answers and experience the the doors of will open up to us. When people who believed in this power gathered in Mark’s upper room, three thousand disciples gathered on the ground. When they received the teaching of the apostles, they rejoiced in fellowship, in the breaking of bread, in warm common prayer, and in the work of the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

3. The transformation of the terrain

The ground will be transformed when we hold God’s Covenant. It was through the name of Jesus Christ that Peter raised up and healed the paralytic whom he had never paid attention to before, near the gate of the temple called “Beautiful.” Faith was more imperative than faith. makes the paralytic able to walk again. When we rejoice in the achievements that God has continually given us, he will act through the Holy Spirit on our respective lands.

Forum: God has absolutely blessed us with the greatest blessings. No matter the situation, let us trust Him with firm assurance, and they will appear in our lives.

source: teachme

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