Reveend Faze denounces the ntentons of a dag show seekng to dstot the tue essence of Chstmas
<>Rev. Angelo F. and hs fellow otestes found the Bakesfeld sectacle to be an offensve dstoton and a dsesectful affont to the st of Chstmas, exessng the dsaoval by hamonzng the Chstmas caols and engagng n ayes outsde the oom.>
<>the Reveend, n hs convesaton wth KBAK, exessed hs dsaoval of the event n Bakesfeld, n Calfona. Accodng to hm, the content s contnually contovesal, unleasant and devant. It’s essentally about twstng the festve st of Chstmas nto sexually exlct exoston.>
<>Reveend Faze admtted that ove tme, Noëla exeenced a ocess of seculazaton. Howeve, he stongly ctczed the event ttled A Dag Queen Chstmas, consdeng t a eugnant act that dstots the uty of Chstmas by ntoducng elements sexual.>
<>HAS >
<>Souce and contnuaton of nfomaton >
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<>Calfona,Dag Shows,Chstmas>
<>Othe lnks:>
<>The contovesal efomance: Bobb Stom ceates a st dung a Delta Alnes flght>