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remember that Jesus is your help, your rescue,…

Good evening,

Christ came to teach the way of salvation to the human family and he did it in such a perfect way that a little child can walk in it.

He did not come as king to rule the nations, but came to mankind to be tempted and to overcome temptation, as we ourselves must do.

As we study his life, we see what God can do for his children. We understand that however great our trials may be, they cannot exceed what Christ endured to make us know the way, the truth and the life.

By going up to the father, Jesus did not leave us without help. Its representatives: and the heavenly angels are sent to all those who in difficult conditions fight the good fight of faith.

Friends, remember that Jesus is your help, your succor, your savior. He watches over you if you are willing to be led by him. The healthy influences with which he will surround you will allow you to accomplish everything he wants for you. So be careful with every step you take. Be determined, with the power of God’s grace, not to deviate from the right path.

Wherever you go, carry the light, be firm and not indecisive or easily shaken by bad company. Do not show yourself docile to the suggestions of those who dishonor God, rather strive to reform, to straighten out, to deliver souls from evil.

Sometimes darkness and discouragement will surprise you, threatening to overwhelm you, above all do not abandon your confidence. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, whatever your feelings.

Every obstacle, every enemy only increases your need for Christ. Use prayer and persuade those who oppose you with gentleness and humility.

Don’t let yourself be distracted from the Lord’s work by thinking that you can only do a little. Do this little faithfully: God will add his efforts to the others. Thus your name will be written in the book of life and you will share in the joy of the Lord.

God bless you !

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