Fè Gabe’s ntatve to modfy hs EP oject demonstates hs commtment to hs Chstan fath
<>Accodng to an analyss of the mage ublshed by Fè Gabe, t s obvous that the ttle “Â Fantom Men Def W” wll be elaced by “MPK” and that the ttle “Hey Wendyyy” wll be elaced by “Pal Gen Taka”.>
<>The vey oula ae has ageed to change cetan contovesal ttles fom hs “Etenal EP”. He has, howeve, not ublcly admtted to havng lstened to the advce and demands.>
<>The album, whose ttle lves u to the ceatvty by the atst, s ognal. Howeve, thee does not aea to be any musc n Fench o a song ttle consstent wth the album ttle. Nevetheless, theevangelzaton emans the oty.>
<>The elease of ths masteful EP s scheduled fo Mach 8, Intenatonal Women’s Day. Is thee a symbolc lnk wth ths date? Regadless, ths s the date that has been chosen so fa fo ths antcated elease.>
<>Gosel Sahy Mnsty: The most esent and oductve cho of the yea 2023>