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Pastor Malory Sparks Controversy Among Haitian Evangelical Artists

Pastor Malory caused several evangelical artists to react with his shocking preaching.

Statements from the founding pastor of Salvation Church of God, created strong discontent among many artists Haitians.

During this preaching sequence published on Régi Média Haiti, on this morning of December 26, 2023, the following statements were made by Pastor Malory.

Artists who perform regularly at concerts cannot serve as worship leaders, thereby provoking an atmosphere of worship more reminiscent of theater or live artistic performances.

Unexpectedly, this artistic approach fails to make the divine presence felt through the works of these artists.

They don’t have divine blessing

Pastor Malory maintains that the individuals in question possess the talent to sing and may even possess exceptional voices. They are also remarkable musicians. However, according to Malory, they do not have the divine blessing that permeates their actions.

According to Pastor Malory, the motive is clear:

They have not reached the spiritual dimension necessary to accomplish what they do. Becoming a worship leader is a divine calling and not everyone is suited to this role.

Artists with beauty accessories

Endowed with multiple bodily ornaments, such an individual has the skills required to perform musical performances, however she is not eligible to act as a leader of religious songs.

According to Laurent Pasteur, he emphasizes that the artist is not mentioned in the Bible when it comes to serving in the ministry.

Today, the prospect of selling CDs, once considered the driving force that inspires artists to perform in churches, has completely disappeared. This transformation resulted in their new role as deceptive cult leaders.

The response of several artists

On YouTube, at 7 p.m. this December 26, 2023, a multitude of artists plan to respond to Pastor Malory’s statement, shared by a trustworthy insider.

Some familiar names return: Rosiny Deronette, Fritz saget, Rosiny de Revelation mizik de Miami, Pasteur Joe, Sony sound de Florida, Wilson Deronette, Brother Kenson, Cassandra Monplaisir, Jaslor Reynard, Sherley Potifa, and Sandra Bliss, to name a few -there .

Important links

We invite you to listen to the original video on Régi Média HERE

Listen to theDecember 22, 2023 edition of the Friday RECAP show HEREwhere with our guests Sam Latus and Wesley St-Fleur, we had an in-depth discussion on the importance and role of the artist within the Christian community.

Stay tuned to BGospel Magazine for more information.

The response of many artists from the Haitian diaspora HERE

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