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Pastor Gérald Cius, When art and social action meet

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Pastor Gérald Cius, assistant pastor of the Church of God Maison de Refuge in Delmas 52, is a Christian artist who uses his music and video clips to transmit messages inspired by God. With three songs and two music videos, he strives to touch the hearts and minds of his listeners. The titles of his creations are: “Mwen PAP fe bak”, “ Ak Jezi nou an viktwa » and « Or your folds for Mwen HAS”.

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At the beginning of the year 2023, Pastor Gérald received a message from God, encouraging him to carry out two missions according to Matthew 25. Convinced that actions have a stronger impact than actions. words, he engaged in social action and evangelization through action. In March, he visited the sick, bringing comfort and hope to those in need.

On August 27, as a sign of obedience to the voice of God, worshiper Gerald Cius, accompanied by several members of his ministry, decided to share the love of God with the inmates by cooking and serving a nice hot meal to the inmates.

Pastor Gérald firmly believes that Christians must take action to demonstrate love of neighbor. He believes that words alone are not enough, we must also act concretely to help those who need it. He maintains that social involvement is essential to spreading God’s love and compassion in the world.

Through his music and his actions, Pastor Gérald wants to inspire other Christians to become more socially involved. He strongly believes that actions have a deeper impact than words and that evangelization through action is a powerful way to spread the Good News of God’s love.

Well done !

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