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Pastor Bobby Winter


Bobby Winter is a pastor and motivational speaker based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Born and raised in Haiti, he is currently the pastor of Evangelical Sanctified Church in Indianapolis, IN, where he has led since 2009. Aside from managing the church budget annually and training members for leadership positions, he has utilized his superb communication skills to teach the congregation. In this position, he has performed a number of interpersonal pastoral duties, including organizing mission trips to Haiti, counseling individuals with hardships, leading fundraisers, and visiting ill church members in the hospital.

Mr. Winter possesses a wide range of educational experience. He holds a BA in Leadership in Ministry from Ohio Christian University and has graduated as an agriculture technician. He attended Heart Missionaries Training Institutes in Lake Wales, FL, which is an extended program of Warner Southern College. He graduated from World Harvest Bible College with a concentration in pastoral leadership. In August 2014, he will graduate from Indiana Wesleyan University with a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership.

He has a deep passion for preaching the Word of God across the world. To that end, he regularly travels throughout the United States and to Haiti to conduct a number of conferences and to preach. In his career as a pastor, he has seen much miraculous healing take place, from the cure of brain stones to heart problems. He uses his spiritual gifts to help bring about revival, something he believes is integral to his mission for God’s work on Earth.
Mr. Winter’s dedication and tenacity are not without a background of adversity. At birth, his parents decided not to keep him, but instead of giving him for adoption or finding another family, they did the unthinkable. He was thrown into a dumpster. This led him to question God, as it created an unshakable sense of neglect, depression, and unworthiness in him. When everyone else could look to their parents for encouragement, he only had his dreams. In the years since, he realized that it was an opportunity to see the pure love of God in his life.

He reminds us that as God’s people, the negativity that happens in our lives makes the positive that much more meaningful. He realized that God Himself was the solution to all his problems, and this began a lifelong relationship. He values ​​God’s love immensely due to the dire circumstances from which he was saved. This planted the seed for Christian leadership in his heart, leading him to where he is today.

In addition to his many accomplishments, Mr. Winter is also a gifted singer, songwriter, and worship leader. Worshiping God through song is one of his many strengths, and he uses this regularly in his pastoral career.
In closing, Mr. Winter offers a short prayer to recite for those who desire the presence of God in their lives:

Lord, forgive me for not showing your love to others like I should. I am willing to do it now as long as you teach me how. I am certain that the testimony of your love for me is getting better and better. I will abide in your love by loving others. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!


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