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Pastor Billy Fonfrel


Pastor Billy Fonfrel was born on September 20, 1979 on rue Canne A Sucre. His father was a Cuban, his name Papite Fonfrel and his mother is Eugénie Valme de Gressier Haiti. He comes from a family of 7 children on his mother’s side and more than 35 brothers on his father’s side. His presence on this earth is living proof of the miracle of God.

When Billy was just a little boy he became extremely ill, although his grandmother wished him to die, God gave him life. Although he came from a religious Voodoo family, he grew up in a Christian home. His mother abandoned him in an orphanage but Mrs. Rosalie Charles took him to her home in a town called Fond des Nègres (Southern Haiti) until he was 11 years old. Only then did he begin a with his biological family, his cousins, his aunt and his brothers. The transition was not easy, but he still remembered the core values ​​he had been taught during his Christian upbringing. At the age of 13, Billy dedicated his life to the Lord.

His first missionary trip

The Gospel of Jesus Christ became a way of life for him. In 1996, after recovering from a terrible illness, Billy began his missionary work throughout Haiti. His first mission trip was to Fond des Nègres, where he grew up and learned about the Lord.

His childhood memories were so deep in this town that he decided to start a non-profit called (CECAS) Club of Christian Evangelists in Social Action to continue to give back to as the Lord did for him.

CECAS was created to preach the Gospel in words, love and actions. As a founder, Pastor Billy’s main concern was to convey the Word in a way that he could reach young minds and help save lives. He allowed himself to be relaxed and kind to everyone who crossed his path and was often recognized as a Brother rather than a Pastor. His unique style of leadership has opened pathways to a broader vision.

Billy began ministering through word and music in church at the age of 15. He allowed the Holy Spirit to guide his path and use it to serve those less fortunate who were thirsty for the gospel.

His beginnings as a Pastor in Haiti

In early 1997, Billy chose to continue his studies and enrolled as a Bible student at Maranatha Divinity School. This ultimately led him to become a founding minister of Brotherhood Baptist Church in La Saline, Haiti, where he rejoiced and served the Haitian for 18 years. After 2 years, Pastor Billy Fonfrel became a leader at the City of God Nazarene Church in Martissant Haiti, where his message was heard in almost every city in Haiti, in person, through radio, television and around the world via the Internet. His purpose in Christ became clearer through each experience, but that was only the beginning. The Lord had bigger plans for this young pastor.

His involvement as a youth pastor in Florida

In 2000, Billy’s mission will continue in Florida. He left Haiti and traveled to Miami where God would continue to lead the way and use his natural talents as a young preacher and musician to develop the youth of North Miami Jesus Christ Church. As a youth pastor, working with the younger generation from the beginning was part of the Lord’s perfect idea for Billy’s life. He has molded Billy by using his approachable personality to build relationships with the children he leads. The pastor not only taught them the value of the Gospel, he made serving the Lord enjoyable by organizing activities and concerts, using music as an escape route to Christ.

His appearance on Horizon Eclair radio

During his journey, God enabled Pastor Billy to host a well-known gospel show by his name “Horizon Éclair Radio Station (14.50 FM stereo).

His first album as an artist

A few years later, he joined the United States Armed Forces where he served in the United States Army for 8 years. Not only was he a psalmist and bringer of light, but he also served America by defending the country. While in the military, he still had a deep passion for preaching, singing, and missionary works. His first album entitled “Kenbe Jezi Pifo” was produced after his first deployment abroad. Every year he took 30 days of vacation from the service to go do missionary works in Haiti: feeding the needy, teaching children the true love of God, distributing toys and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, he also helped to build houses in Haiti and pay for the education of many young orphaned boys and girls.

In 2006, Pastor Billy received the Full Gospel Church Recognition Award in New York. He also won first prize in the Military Talent competition with a Creole song “Pouki W”. In 2009, Pastor Billy Fonfrel left New York to return to Haiti where he changed CECAS to OALAV: Oui A La Vie for a greater purpose. Through this organization, he started many programs such as Impact Nations dealing with social, physical and health issues. Then later he came with Haiti Gospel Talent in a talent show which serves as a bridge for young Haitian Christians. In 2010, he received the HGMA Best Worship Award.

Pastor Billy Fonfrel oversees over 5 churches in Haiti. He is the founder of Shiloh International House of Prayer in Titanyen Haiti.

He has already released 2 albums entitled “Kenbe Jezi Pifo” and “Kris Pou Ayiti”.

He accomplished great things not only in Haitian, but throughout the world. He has visited more than 40 countries around the world and has a powerful which makes him travel from East to West and from North to South on the earth. He believes that his must be heard by all nations. He has a prophecy to follow and a promise to keep. Through it all, Jesus only made it possible.

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