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Pastor Amel Lafleur


Born on July 3, 1961, to a peasant family of nine (9) children, three (3) of whom died. Orphaned by my father when I was in the ninth fundamental year, on May 27, 1981. My family and I went through very difficult times because of the great persecution that our (family) suffered after the death of our father in Mapou in the South-East of the country. Being a new convert of barely two (2) years, I was weighed down by difficulties. It wasn’t easy, but thanks to my older brother, Maxo Lafleur, who took on the really complex responsibility at home, I was able to get through it.

I did my primary education at Etiote Pierre secondary school, Rue des Miracles. My secondary studies at Alpha College, Avenue Christophe, Rue 4. I studied accounting which was of no use to me.

After my first biblical, spiritual and theological training at the Association “Les Colporteurs du Dernier Message” for approximately four (4) years, I spent a good number of years in the ministry of evangelist that I follow by vocation from the Lord . I was consecrated and ordained a preacher of the gospel by my late spiritual Father Elisée Joseph of the Church of God of Poste-Merchant of Haiti.

With the Ministry of Evangelization, we ended up establishing an ecclesiastical work at the 2nd Plain of Petit-Gôave of which I was one of the leaders under the control of the Association of Fighters for Christ. I spent seventeen (17 years) of ministerial experience with the Association “les Combattant” in which I was the main teacher.

In 1989, Pastor Franck Antoine called on me to help him found a Bible school in Fontamara 43. I spent eight (8) years there as both administrative director and teacher from 1989-1997. After my pastoral consecration in April 1997 by my late Father Pastor Pierre Harry OSKA by order of the Lord, my ministry began with a night vigil that my wife founded in Delmas 19, during my first missionary trip to Canada in 1996, again under the aegis of my Apostle Peter Harry OSKA.

I also graduated from the Emmaus Bible Study in Germany by Correspondence which lasted three (3) years.

During ten (10) years of spiritual and ministerial observation by my Apostle, He designated and consecrated me as his immediate replacement after his death or as the person responsible for the Independent Church Mission of the Narrow Door (MEDIPE).

I graduated from Bible Doc Institute at Starfford Virginia in 2013. Now I am pursuing a master’s degree in theology. I am professor of theology and dean of the Sinai Evangelical Theological Seminary founded by the Apostle Peter Harry Oska, my late spiritual and ministerial Father.

Since 2014 after the death of my Father, I have been the Apostle General of (MEDIPE)

I am a writer . I wrote my first book: “Let marriage be honored by all” in 1996 and now we are in the 3rd edition. In 2003, I wrote my second work “Some Realities of Faith »

In June 2015, I wrote my 3rd book: “Ministerial Discipline”. And now I am on the 4th “The Weaknesses and the Strengths of the Eternal” already published. Very soon, the public will be able to enjoy the 5th work entitled: “Some 12 kinds of servants”.

And other works are in preparation. I am an agent of the spiritual revival of the church of Jesus Christ, and this unconditionally whether by death or by life, it is enough that Christ be glorified. May myself and my family decrease and may Jesus Christ increase in all aspects.


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