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Pastor Julio Volcy Donated 1,000,000 Gourdes to Artist Black Boy

Pastor Julio Volcy donated one million gourdes to artist Black Boy for his social music released in August 2016.

A moving gesture, but at what cost?

Julio Volcy, senior pastor of Rendez-Vous Christ Church and director of Haiti Teen Challenge, also founded Hope Outreach International, a humanitarian organization. On the occasion of the church’s seventh anniversary, a check presentation ceremony was held: three hundred thousand gourdes for Radio Lumière in their 64th birthday and a million gourdes for rapper Black Boy, author of the song Echèk se ti frè rekòmanse in 2016. This song was used by Pastor Volcy during a conference with young people last February.

Francy Francillon, aka Black Boy, expressed his surprise that a pastor would reward him for his music in the first place. BGospel Magazine attempted to contact the pastor via Facebook for comment, to no avail.

Pastor Julio Volcy donated 1,000,000 gourdes to artist Black Boy

Is this gesture truly honorable? Perhaps, but what message does it send to professionals in the sector? Our pastors, bishops and evangelists often exploit and ignore artists without any compensation.

Should we now encourage social music to the detriment of worship music, which is essential to the prosperity of churches? Where is the historical example of a Haitian artist receiving such a large sum of money from a pastor? ? This has never been recorded, even going back several decades.

It is imperative to recall the support of the Pastor Muscadin André at the ministry of Delly Benson. However, this case remains an exception.

Does Pastor Volcy have the right to do what he wants with his money? Without a doubt. But what about when the money comes from church tithes and offerings? That’s a whole other question.

Evangelical artists are too often exploited, neglected, and dismissed before being severely criticized when they walk away from the church due to exhaustion. Was this act of sharing dictated by the Holy Spirit? We don’t know.

Does Pastor Volcy value the works of Christian artists as much as those of non-Christian artists? We have no information or evidence to this effect. Let us also note the symbolism of Radio Lumière receiving the smallest check.

Have evangelical artists never managed to touch the Volcy family or the Rendez-vous Christ church with their works? Think about this question.

What message do the pastor and his church want to convey to young people? During a conference, Pastor Volcy reminded young people that they are the partners and leaders of tomorrow. However, could this gesture be perceived as a discouraging message for young Christian artists, musicians and those involved in worship choirs, often without even receiving transportation expenses?

Was this gesture a deliberate ploy to attract media attention? According to our sources, some of them were not even paid transportation fees.

The church is slowly collapsing under the weight of scandals involving its leaders, and our artists work, often in the hope of living better. Unfortunately, this desert is not over yet. The worst thing is that many will choose to keep quiet to preserve their share of happiness, while waiting their turn to be disappointed.


Read also:
Pastor Calixte Fleuridor Re-elected Head of the Protestant Federation of Haiti
Indefinite Spiritual Retreat of Prophet Kenny Dorvilus

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