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“Mwen Rele Jezi”, Tami’s New Album, Is Available

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“Mwen rele Jezi” is the name of Tami’s second solo album which invites us to join her for a big concert and the signature sale of it this Sunday August 18 at LE VILLATE. After titles like “Banm viktwa ankò, 2016”, “Devant le trône, 2017” or even “Mwen rele Jezi, 2019”, the singer is preparing to present to us a second opus of 10 pieces on which the three pieces mentioned above will appear. This concert will also be a way of thanking the Lord for his 16 years of ministry.

Christ-Ami Cem̩ Sainca began her ministry within the ANGEL ҪS FAMILY choir where she was noticed with the hit song entitled MWEN PAP LAGE in lead with Evens Gregoire and Charles Herv̩ Lominy, maestro of the said choir. Since then, she has taken her talent very seriously and continued to improve, subsequently meeting other choirs such as Sariah, Gospel Kreyol and collaborating on numerous musical projects. .

Supported from the start by her family, notably her big brother Nicky-Christ, also a manager, Tami has been able to make a name for herself over the years and win the heart of a wide audience in Haiti and elsewhere. Five years after that September evening which saw the birth of his first album, the artist reiterates his commitment to the evangelical community through a new opus. This time the celebration will have a double flavor because with “Mwen rele Jezi” it will also be the crowning of his 16 years of hard work in the musical world. A journey which has given rise to unforgettable moments such as his show “Devant le trône, July 2017” or his wedding/show “Love. God. Celebration, February 2018.”

She will be joined by other artists such as Taliana Lindor, David Morinvil, Frè Alexis, as well as the group Astharmonie to name just a few. You are therefore invited to come and unite your voice with theirs to say thank you to the Lord for this humble servant who has never ceased to edify us with these pieces and to ask Him to make this grow. ministry more. The meeting is at VILLATE on August 18 for this evening of praise and the signature sale of the new album.

Fleurimon Nachelie For #KozeKretyen

Download Tami’s album

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