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Muscadin André, who is he? his vision of the show “Souffle Matinal”


Muscadin André – Who is he?

André Muscadin hails from Saint Raphaël, a northern town situated 54 km away from Cap-Haïtien. He proudly associates himself as a resident of the Province. In 1987, after completing his primary education, he relocated to Port-au-Prince to commence his secondary studies, amidst a period of political unrest.

For a year, he had to adapt to join the Port-au-Prince standard. And it was in 1988 that he began secondary studies which lasted from 1988 to 1994-1995. From the 4th secondary class, he studied videography so that very early on he began to work to provide for his needs, since he lived far from his parents. He completed his studies at Blaise Pascal where he received sustained supervision from the Director, Mr. Carl Jean-Baptiste. It also receives significant support from Adelphos College, in the person of its Founding Director. This is where his Ministry will begin. At the end of his classical studies, he opted for communication. He has been attending the Faculty of Law since last year and is also pursuing theology studies where he has started his 2nd year.

Muscadin André, what is your vision of an Evangelical show? Tell us about “Souffle Matinal”. We know that this name was not chosen by you but by another animator.

Indeed, I did not initiate this show, but it was me who made it successful, through my choices. I spent 8 years campaigning in this Ministry. During this time, the Lord inspired me to do activities that still amaze me, but which stem from the fact that I was on the right path. He guided me, he increased my imagination tenfold. I created events like “Ji Zaboka”, “Souffle du Samedi Soir”, a space where evangelical groups came, to sing in the open air, and in the courtyard, troubadour, fritailles, etc… I was supported by a great team and gradually, I become a presenter in all activities. Judao, Junel (guitarist), the staff of Sur Le Rocher… I started to have friends, and to visit Churches and to work with several groups, often as MC or facilitator for their activities: Oshama, Adonaï, Jericho, Horeb, the first group I led. I remember the first time we went to do a show, they were stuck for $400H. I decided to give it to them. They were so grateful that they asked me to become their manager. And that’s how my story began in the Ministry.


Interview:Jose Bautista

Editor:Pascale MontFort

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