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Muscadin André, The Ministry of Broadcast: Tips for New Evangelical Speakers


What advice would you give to someone who wants to start an evangelical broadcast?

I say that we must pray first to discern if we are called. BECOME AN EVANGELICAL ANIMALOR IS A VOCATION. If I had not been called, would I ever have accepted such a heavy Ministry that would bring me nothing financially? But there ! I have 3 to 4 professions. But nothing I touched worked. It is precisely God who set me apart for this Service. Do you know that I work, as soon as it is for the Gospel. While everything else I tried failed. I have a lot of strings to my bow! I tried a store for example. But without success. Yet you see the Radio? I didn’t put much of myself into it. But she is making her way. People ask me how I got there. All glory to God. This is God’s work.

Pastor Garry St-Hubert says the same thing. Nothing succeeds for him apart from the Gospel. So the advice to someone who wants to get into a show?

You must pray and ask God if it is his will, if he calls you into his field. You become a Shepherd who leads a lot of people. You are like a Pastor. You need to study the Bible, like I do now. For you are called to be a leader at the head of a great flock of souls.

What advice would you give to composers, singers, musicians?

If you are a musician, are you working for God? I served 12 years in the Ministry without receiving a salary, but I did something else to make a living. You can choose to be in Church for a whole day. But how do you live? Certainly, the Pastor should remunerate you as a worker in the field of God, but if you see that this Pastor intends to turn you away or make you leave the field of God, because of his incomprehension, tell yourself that God wants you to develop your own strategy. You will not be an employee of the Church but, paradoxically, you will bring resources to the Church and you will be a blessing for it. Learn to manage difficulties and transform them for the glory of God. The good faith or bad faith of a Pastor should never discourage you and prevent you from persevering. I could have fallen behind the microphone, but the Lord taught me to multiply disappointments and to mold them into joy. How many Pastors did not appreciate hearing from me in the past, and now shower me with praise for my work! If you experience disappointments, find ways to cope, but stay in the Church. And thank God who grants you the privilege of giving him glory with the musical instrument that He has placed in your hands. As for songwriters, I urge them to be wise. Even when we lack spiritual or intellectual maturity, we can be inspired, but when you have written a song by listening to an inner movement, that does not exempt you from having the text revised by qualified people and from looking for a good arranger before writing. go to the studio. Do well whatever you do for God. For He is not a God of mediocrity. You only have to look at Nature, the sky and the earth, to understand who He is and that He loves Beauty. To the performers, to the singers, I will give the same message as to the musicians. However, specify that if you sing every Sunday, you don’t need to hang around church all day to be seen. Some people get carried away by the “artist” spirit. A singer can, without feeling guilty, spend two hours in worship and then go to work to find something to manage daily life. If the Church does not guarantee you a salary, do your duty and look elsewhere for something to live on. It is legitimate. This way you will avoid constantly complaining about the Pastor who does not pay you. If you are a professional singer, remember that gospel music does not yet feed its man. It won’t bring you enough. We must create other profitable activities. And then, always remember that the fact that evangelical music does not bring in big profits cannot exempt us from being full-fledged Christians. I say that Life is a giant. Every day I put on gloves to face him. She knocks me down sometimes but, don’t worry, I give her a few good hooks too. (Laughs)

The last word, Muscadin André?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the work you do. I feel that we are linked, firstly by your music, and because we are called people. If it didn’t come from the heart, you couldn’t do this job. You wouldn’t bend over backwards to find people to interview to keep Internet users informed. You would sit there as an artist, and you would ask to come see you in your office. This reminds me of the time when I visited all the small groups to encourage them to express themselves. Today, many of them are now enjoying success. You too, God will bless you greatly for this work, because He is not an abuser. “Bondye pa manje kouraj moun gratis”. There are successes that I have experienced, resources that He has given me that I do not know the origin of but I know that they have reached me in the name of God. I thank Him for this and I thank Him for the Ministry of Jubau and that through the Internet you continue to develop as much creativity as possible to make Him known. But, above all, always remember that God is involved in this work. He Himself worked hard to make Jubau a great work according to His heart.

Muscadin André, The Fine Line Between Being a “Chosen Animator” and a “Professional Facilitator”

Interview:Jose Bautista

Editor:Pascale MontFort

Vie politique de son pays . est-ce que le chrétien peut y participer ?

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