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Definition of exhortation in the Bible

Exhortation, derived from Greek parakalemeans not only encouragebut also advise And love. In the Scriptures, this term evokes a spiritual emergency and a relational proximity, illustrated by its frequent use by figures like Paul and Jean-Baptiste.

Exhortation in Paul's epistles

Paul uses exhortation for:

  • To correct doctrinal errors, as in 1 Corinthians
  • Stimulate community unity, especially in Philippians 4: 2
  • Encourage imitation of Christ, as indicated in Ephesians 5: 1-2
    The letters to the Corinthians illustrate this double dimension: “Paul is not content to criticize – he constantly recalls hope in resurrected Christ. »» His authority emanates from an embodied relationship: “He lived among them, sharing their struggles. »» (Blue Letter Bible).
Read also: The transformative power of biblical exhortation: complete guide

Exhortation vs encouragement

Appearance Biblical exhortation Modern encouragement
Objective Correction + Construction Emotional support
Your Loving emergency Kindness
Foundation Scriptural truth Individual needs

The spiritual gift of exhortation (Romans 12: 8)

  • Nature : Ability to apply speech to concrete situations
  • Challenges ::
    • Resolve conflicts in the primitive church (1 Corinthians 1:10))
    • Maintain the balance between grace and truth
  • Modern manifestation : Practice of active discipulat and community responsibility
Read also: What is exhortation in the Bible?

Contemporary application

Five principles to urge according to the Scriptures:

  1. Root in the relationship (Philippians 1: 8))
  2. Binding Correction and Hope
  3. Practice ecclesial co-responsibility
  4. Favor humility (Philippians 2: 3))
  5. Update the message without diluting it

As Jonathan Leeman points out: “Membership of a church undertakes to ensure each other on everyone's fidelity to the Gospel. »» A crucial challenge in our era of religious individualism.

John 6:47: How does faith in Christ offer eternal life? Complete exegesis

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