Launch of a Listening line for victims of abuse in Protestantism
On March 6, 2025, the Protestant Federation of France (FPF) launched a national line To accompany the victims of sexual and spiritual violence within Protestant communities. This initiative, in partnership with France victimsaims to offer a secure space to release speech and promote a safer environment. There listening line is accessible to 01 80 52 33 89 And is open seven days a week.
Spiritual violence in Protestantism: context and objectives
This approach responds to the recent revelations ofSexual and spiritual abuse In Protestantism, similar to those that affected the Catholic Church. The FPF thus wishes to avoid a comparable scandal and strengthen confidence in communities. The guide Understand and fight against violence Supports this initiative to raise awareness and train local actors.
How to report an abuse in a Protestant church?
For report abuse In a Protestant church, victims can directly contact the FPF listening line. This service is managed by trained professionals to provide psychological and legal support. Victims can also inquire about Differences between the CIASse and the FPF To better understand the specifics of each approach.
Answers to frequent questions on the listening line
- Who manages the listening line? : France victims, in partnership with the FPF.
- What is the difference between the Ciase and the FPF? : The CIASse is specific to the Catholic Church, while the FPF is aimed at Protestant communities, with approaches adapted to their decentralized structures.
- Where to find the FPF guide? : The guide is available on the official FPF website.
Additional information on the FPF and evangelical churches
This initiative is part of a context of rise in power of denunciations ofabuse in religious circles. The FPF represents around 500 Protestant communities in France, including a majority ofEvangelical churches. THE National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF) also launched a similar service in 2022, stressing the importance of these devices for the evangelical community.