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Landing Strips of Blessing, Joel Spinks

We must not only declare the promises but also discern THE SPECIFIC PATHS that God has prepared for BLESSING to land (manifest) in our lives!

Deut.28:8 – The LORD will command the blessing to be with you in your barns and in all your undertakings.

Blessing is ordained by God, it is our inheritance as children of God. Attics are about having a surplus, about being blessed beyond our needs to bless others in return.

Gal. 3:13 – Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law…

A path for our ministry:

We must create a path for our ministry: Let us serve God by loving people, by being faithful to what He asks of us.

Luke 16:10 is a spiritual law. God will entrust us with greater things when we are faithful in the small ones. God is looking for available people who love His Church. He blesses obedience not just activity. Let’s ask ourselves what we can give to the church, if what we do is in His will.

A clue for our finances:

Prov.13:11 – Ill-gotten wealth diminishes, but he who accumulates little by little increases it.

For example, lottery tickets (what you receive quickly) dissolve quickly! We must not limit ourselves with our income. Let us listen to God to receive His strategies for our finances. Let us protect ourselves by putting ourselves under the umbrella of blessing. Let us tithe our income. She belongs to His house. We can create a landing strip through seeds, through what we give.

Whatever our need, let’s ask God what to do to make the blessing manifest. Confessing the Word is not enough! We must also act according to God’s instructions.

2 Thess. 3:10 – God calls us to work. He wants us active.

A path for our spiritual development:

Ez. 34:17-22 – We can be rich in knowledge of His word (become spiritually fat), be rich in potential and spend nothing. The message that will change our lives is the one we put into practice.

There are good practices: prayer, meditating on the Word, declaring promises and there is the bad practice of always waiting for God to do things for us.

Jc. 2:14:18 – Faith works by works. God calls us to action.

Ex. 14:15 – The miracle occurred when Moses acted according to God’s instructions.

Mk.16:15 – The mandate of the Church is to go and love. We preach with our lives.

2 Cor. 3:3 – We are living letters, spokesmen for God, an advertisement for Jesus.

What can you do to bring blessing into your life? :

1 – Pray. Ask God to show you where there is darkness, where you need to shine. We are lights. A pastor from Ukraine said that when Christians are together too much, they dazzle each other, annoy each other, attack each other because the light is too strongly concentrated! They must go out and meet the needs of society by involving themselves in all spheres of society.

2 – Be willing to hear His answer.

3 – Take action; take a concrete action to meet the revealed need. Your gifts and talents can be used to advance the kingdom of God!

Concretely demonstrate love through your actions!


Notes for EVQ Life Groups, by Laura LeBlanc

Church of the Victory of Quebec, message of July 13, 2014

Pastor Joel Spinks

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