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Kirk Franklin: A Raw Look at Faith Today

Kirk Franklin: When faith is not all rosy

Kirk Franklin, famous Christian artist, sparked much debate after sharing a video on Facebook where he expressed his annoyance at the tendency of some Christians to want to present faith as always a perfect and easy experience. He pointed out that just like in the Bible where the figures did not have trials-free lives, modern life is full of challenges.

He discussed how some people use Bible verses without consideration for people’s real suffering, especially in the face of natural disasters like those in Florida. Franklin calls for a more authentic and compassionate faith, accepting that life can be too imperfect and painful.

Although his video received criticism, particularly for its approach sometimes considered too direct, it nevertheless reached a wide audience. Comments in response to the video vary: some applaud its honesty while others believe it should stick to a more classical representation of the Christian message.

To see the entire video and form a personal opinion, readers can find it on the Kirk Franklin Facebook page.


Jonathan McReynolds performs at the Caribbean Gospel Festival.

The article Kirk Franklin: A Raw Look at Faith Today appeared first on / BGospel Francophone.

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