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King Solomon, Protestant Views

The name Solomon, Shlomo in Hebrew, comes from the root Shalom which means peace. The years of his reign were peaceful, unlike David who was often at war, and his heirs who were torn and then led to the splitting of the country into two kingdoms.

Solomon is finished in biblical memory as a teacher of wisdom. The biblical story located at the origin of this wisdom in a founding episode(1). One night, after Solomon had sacrificed a thousand burnt offerings, the Lord appeared to him to ask him what his heart desired. It was then possible to ask for wealth, peace, health and love, but he has another request: Give me an attentive heart to govern your people, to discern good from bad! »God answers his servant’s request:« I will act according to your word. I will give a wise and intelligent heart. “He adds:” I will give you, moreover, it is not asked, as well as wealth and glory. »

Solomon was a great king and enjoyed great prosperity during his reign. There are alliances that were sealed by daughters with Pharaoh who were built with a palace, and who were transformed into the daughter of the king of Tire with a commercial importer for the cedars of Lebanon. Solomon’s great work was building the temple which was symbolized as a mark of pride for the Hebrews.

The book of Deuteronomy says about the king: “ That there was not a large number of horses… that there was not a large number of women… that there was not a large quantity of silver and gold. You have to have it with you and read it every day of your life.. »(Dt 17:15-20). These words were written for Solomon which were not preserved by the wisdom of his youth. His love of horses, women and money diverted from justice. The end of his reign was obscured by the introduction of idolatrous cults and rivalry between the sons of too many men.

The judgment of Solomon

Solomon has decisively resolved a conflict between two prostitutes. They had a child at the same time, but one of them died during the night. They affirm that the living is theirs. The king repeats the story and offers to cut the child in two in order to share it between the two women. One accepts, the second refuses. Salomon concludes that she is the mother of the child(2). It is recognized that this is what is easier and ready to abandon its claim. Love is the ultimate mark of truth.

(1) 1 R 3.5-15.

(2) 1 Kings 3:16-28.

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Author Gabriel Tertrais

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