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Kelley and Reginald Steele, a couple who teach love and respect in marriage

The importance of intimacy in Christian marriage

Kelley Steele, co-pastor of Kingdom Church in Phoenix, Arizona, recently spoke about the importance of Christian women not withholding sex from their husbands. She highlighted biblical teachings on wives’ submission to their husbands, citing scriptures such as 1 Peter 3:1 and Ephesians 5:22-23. Kelley urged the women of her to focus on a Christ-centered life and actively demonstrate their faith through their even if their husbands are not believers.

In her sermon, Kelley Steele emphasized the importance of caring for your spouse and not using sex as a bargaining tool within marriage. She warned against sexual withholding and encouraged women to make themselves available to their husbands. Kelley emphasized the importance of maintaining intimacy and connection in marriage, regardless of disagreements or conflicts that might arise.

Kelley’s husband, Reginald Steele, also chimed in with humorous remarks and stressed the importance of communication in marriage. He encouraged men to express their needs to their wives and stressed the importance of mutual respect and devotion in a successful marriage. The couple’s message resonated with their who responded with enthusiasm and support to their teachings on love, respect and intimacy within marriage.

#KingdomChurch #Phoenix #Arizona #WithholdingSex #ReginaldSteele #KelleySteele #marriage

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