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Its radical transformation arouses controversy

Katy Jara: From Cumbia to Christianity, a controversial course

Katy Jarathe ex-singer of Peruvian Cumbia who became an evangelical Christian, continues to be talked about almost three years after her conversion. His spiritual journey, started in May 2022, still aroused debates in his native country and beyond.

A radical transformation

There Katy Jara conversion to Christianity marked a radical turning point in his life and his career. After being touched twice by the COVVI-19, the artist decided to change his direction completely. She abandoned Cumbia music, provocative outfits and excessive makeup to embrace a more modest life devoted to her new faith.

From stage to the Christian store

Today, Katy Jara is not content to sing for his faith. She opened a shop of clothing for Christian women, thus combining her passion for fashion with her religious convictions. This new chapter of his life perfectly illustrates his Transformation of Cumbia singer into Christian entrepreneur.

A voice that divides

Despite the time that has elapsed since his conversion, Katy Jara's statements continue to arouse controversy. His criticisms of certain Catholic traditions, including the Lord of Miracles procession, caused the indignation of many Peruvians. More recently, her comments on Christmas celebrations have rekindled the debate on how she expresses her faith.

A new musical repertoire

Katy Jara has not completely abandoned music. She is now dedicated to the Christian musicwith titles like “Mi Vida Cambió” and “Hossana”. These songs testify to his spiritual career and his will to share his faith through art.

The impact of social networks

Katy Jara's official Facebook page has become a platform where she regularly shares messages inspired by her faith. This online presence plays a crucial role in the dissemination of his message and in the discussions he arouses.

There Katy Jara conversion to evangelical Christianity continues to be a subject of discussion in Peru and in the Spanish -speaking world. His career illustrates the challenges and controversies that can occur when a public personality radically changes beliefs and lifestyle.


  • The reprobe
  • El Comercio
  • Infobae
  • Katy Jara official Facebook page

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