BGospel Magazine espagnol
BGospel Magazine francophone

Juan Batista, Biography


Juan Batista,

“My concern is to preach the word of God through my songs” I sing and compose and consider myself a new breath for music and cultural called to gather the lost sheep. I had the opportunity to collaborate with groups such as; ALABANZA – FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT – EAGLES – THE EBEN-EZER ORCHESTRA and the artist MICHAEL JEUNE. My mother Francine, my older brother Morthong, my producer Clarens Renois and Joël Lorquet allowed me to achieve my goal of starting my SOLO career.

Three songs from my first album “MESI BONDIE, LE’M ADORE’L, and DESTINE’M” are currently in rotation on the capital’s radio stations My models; KIRK FRANKLIN, YOLANDA ADAMS AND JUAN KENOLY, three extraordinary Gospel voices.

The color of my CD will be influenced by the breath of RNB, the soul and the mixed rap of the local rhythm. I invite you to audition the MESI BONDIE track on my page

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