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Jovenel Joseph, who is he?


Born on December 14, 1995, Jovenel Joseph, this theologian from the Northern Plain, realized his passion for music from 2011 during these guitar lesson sessions. This great discovery allowed him to become acquainted with the musical world and to practice in this field as a singer by participating in several activities in the sector. . Married and father of two children, this does not stop him from pursuing his dream.


A die-hard fan of , Jovenel Joseph has produced several pieces of music, including “SENYÈ RANPLI M”; “LÈ M NONMEN NON W”; “AYITI PAKA FINISHES BAD” in with artist Rod Ume Dieujuste; “METEM NAN SANS OU” and “SAB LA CHO» whose video clip was released last February. Note that this music was sometimes produced in Port-Au — Prince and Cap-Haïtien.

Jovenel Joseph the theologian.

As a theologian working in ministry, Jovenel makes it appear that he does not pursue music full time. However, the latter is placed 80% in his life, because he firmly believes that God can open a way out for his destiny through this great passion. With his foundation “Reveiling the Last Time” the artist is involved daily in social actions, especially in his charitable works towards deprived children.

2023 projects

For 2023, singer Jovenel Joseph plans to release two major musical projects including the remix of these hit titles “Le m nonmen nonw” then “Sab la cho” to bring these supporters into another atmosphere of blessing and one last title planned at the end of the year. Jovenel Joseph, with a very promising future, is a great addition to music .

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