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Jonathan C. Gambela, Biography


Jonathan C. Gambela: A Spiritual Journey from Passion to Redemption, Gospel Singer and Writer from Congo DR

Jonathan Gambela is a gospel pastor, singer, prophet and songwriter from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He was born in Montfermeil, France under the name Jonathan Christopher Gambela.

From the age of 5, he began to serve God by playing drums, then keyboard in the MEGA church (Mission Évangélique Grâce Abondante), his local. However, he moved away from the church for a while to devote himself to his passion for music.

It was while returning to Paris to pursue higher education in communication and finance that the Almighty, through his grace, touched him again. Jonathan C. Gambela received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, which led him to return to the path of the church and become a new person.

From passion to the stage: the musical journey of a multi-talented artist

His musical talents still alive, Jonathan decides to embark on a musical adventure. A multifaceted musician, he masters several instruments, including the synthesizer, piano, drums, as well as bass and acoustic guitar.

A year later, he turned to singing and joined the renowned choir @total prise. During the same year, he founded the group Mekaddishkem with his faithful companion Esdras B. Together, they produced several projects, including an EP called “Ambiance céleste” and an album called “Paradision” in 2015.

It was only in 2020 that this artist decided to embark on a solo career. In 2021, he released his first solo album, “MON COEUR FLÉCHIT”. He is married to Elisa Harmony Gambela, with whom he has three children.

Jonathan C. Gambela – Faithful Friend (video and lyrics)
Jonathan C. Gambela – Sabaoth (video and lyrics)
Jonathan C. Gambela – A New Day (video and lyrics)

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