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Jeremy Sourdril, Pursue your enemy!

“He who remembers correction goes on the path of life, but he who forgets reproof goes astray” (Proverbs 10:17).

Someone said that our greatest enemy is ourselves. The biggest project of our life is found in our thoughts and in our character. God will not force us to change. And the devil can’t do anything on our character. So, when the time comes to take the path of life, it is up to us to make the decision to remember this. How can we move forward in our Christian life? It is by remembering the Word of God and his promises, but also his commandments and his corrections. Let us not forget the corrections that God has given us!

To remain steadfast on life’s path, we must be focused on our goal, and concentrated to make the necessary adjustments. We are like a rocket sent into space. If we don’t adjust precisely, it can be catastrophic. Let us not repeat the mistakes of the past, but pursue our enemy.

How to do it ?

When we have received a correction in our mind, such as: “Don’t speak in that tone with that person anymore,” our enemy is not the person, but it is the tone we used for them. talk. God inspires us to make a radical, clear change, without detours or turning back. And then we must look our enemy (what is wrong with our character) straight in the eye and say, “I will pursue you and leave you no chance to manifest again. You are going to flee from my life because I do not belong to you and God refuses to let you live with me. Go away ! “. Remember your enemies, and pursue them until you destroy them.


I declare: I will remember the correction and the reproof, and I will pursue that which caused them. I will change what God asks me to change! God will be proud of me! I love you jesus !

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